How might we enable more young people to become Social Entrepreneurs ?

Problem definition

Proposed solution

What are the aspects of the problem that are specific to youth

What motivates individuals to get involved in social entrepreneurship




Social enterprise incubator: in a target community, we propose to create an incubator to foster social enterprise creation and accompany them in the initial phases


What motivates people (in general)


Prolific life


Organizational conflict

Internal conflict ( to the individual)

How we deal with the conflict between power and money

Why do we get involved in the social


Power struggles in organisations

What happens when the founders retire or leave

Sense of importance



What is particular to youth

What makes young entrepreneurs different from others ?

Is youth an issue ?


A lot of passion to create change and eager to get out into the world. Feels like the world is moving fast, and some of them want a piece of it.

Lack of respect from elders

Perceived lack of skills and experience

Contribute to society


Why do we do it

click to edit

Does it really exist ?

Can we be selfish

Being recognized

Helping others

Training material: we propose to create training material that young social entrepreneurs can uses to help them with some of the key initial phases of creating social innovation and social business creation

Youtube videos

Moodle / LMS: we propose to create a Learning Management System (LMS) website with a domain name to host the links to the training material and badges that learners can achieve.


What are the skills that they need or can acquire from coach ?

The individuals that could coach, do they have time for coaching ?

What are the key drivers that can be nurtured ?


Are there networking opportunities available in the existing ecosystem ?

Are the existing networking opportunities appropriate or do we need to create new ones ?

Basic 'Maslow'

Divergence of goals and motivations of individuals in the organization

Understanding Social innovation

What is social innovation ?

A social innovation is a novel solution to a social problem that is more effective, efficient, sustainable, or just than current solutions. The value created accrues primarily to society rather than to private individuals. Standford

Can we use technology to foster or enable social innovation ?

Can we make it sustainable ?

What is the business model ?



Less resistance to change

Less fear of failure

More risk seeking behaviour

Lack of mondels / mentors

Lack of support from elders

Lack of funding

Different view of the world

Different take on the problems

More sensitive to environmental and social problems

Lack of education and experience

Whiteboard animation

Gamified learning or serious games such as WASA

Who can best help young entrepreneurs learn the skills they need ?

How can we get young entrepreneurs connected with the local ecosystem ?

How can we assess the gaps in the young entrepreneurs competencies ?

Curated Resource Library

Strong sense of FOMO-fear of missing out

The middle ingredient to a generation sandwich.

Acknowledge that they have a lot to learn from older generations. Meanwhile, they can perceive trends sooner than them, because they still have connections to the younger generation and is just transitioning out of that phase.

Entering into a new phase of their life (adulthood) and
get high on new sense of empowerment.