Task value, self-efficacy and goal orientations : impact on self-regulated learning, choice and performance among university students

1) THE ABSTRACT (what the article is about?) in a short time

basic presentation OF THIS STUDY : exams relation between

achievement behaviours

motivational variables



background (what has been done before?)

other studies

about - achievement-related behabiours => academic choice and performance

about the role of motivational factors => goal orientations => the use of self-regulated learning stratégies

aim of the present study

to study the influence of motivational variables (task value, self-efficacy and goal orientations) on self-regulation

and to study the relative influence of motivational and cognitive variables on student's choice


student's academic achievement

explanations about :

self-regulated learning

includes metacognitive strategies

task value


goal orientations

learning goals

performance orientation

includes congnitive strategies

avoidance dimension

approach dimension

student's academic choice

4 research questions


What is the relative influence of motivational and cognitive variables on student's choice and performance?

Do task value and self-efficacy interact as predictors of self-regulated learning and achievement behaviours ?

What is the relative influence of task value, self-efficacy and goal orientations on self-regulation?

Do groups of students with distinct goal orientations differ in self-regulation and achievement behaviours?



184 first-year psychology students in a French-speaking university in Belgium


self-report questionnaire=> 7-point Likert-type scales - Task value, Self-efficacy, Goal orientations, Learning stratégies, Choice, Academic performance

Statistical Analyses

stepwise regressions


correlationnal analyses


Correlationnal analysis

  1. Choice related to academic performance
  1. Approach and avoidance dimensions of learning goal orientation both correlated with choice+metacognitive stratégies. Also correlation between approach-learning orientation and deep-processing
  1. self-efficacy related to the use of deep-processing strategies
  1. Image-performance goals related to surface-level cognitive strategies
  1. Task value correlated with deep cognitive+metacognitive strategies

Regression analyses

Relative influence of motivational and cognitive variables on student's choice and performance

Relative influence of task value, self-efficacy and goal orientations on self-regulation


Effects of task value and self-efficacy on self-regulation, choice and academic performance

Significant differences on self-regulation, choice and academic performance (dependent variables): students with high task value scores => more Learning stratégies + more future course enrolment intentions+ performed better academically than students with low task value scores


summary of main findings

meaning and significance of the results

aim - results

Influence of the pursuit of multiple goal+ Information on the importance of the value aspect of learning

resullts indicates:

teachers : the goals of demonstrating abilities

importance for teachers to intensify student's conscious perception of the value

important that teachers clarify the ulity of the course to enhance its perceived value


to analyse the relationships between motivational beliefs and the use of Learning stratégies

to analyse our understanding of the multiple relations and dynamics of interaction between all these variables

this research extended to other populations from different subject-matter areas