Few regard school, before higher education, as an enjoyable space. While school is the centerpiece around every child’s schedule, few think of school as well-liked by students, or a place that they want to be, and high school especially is famously disliked by students involved in it. Fostering a presence of the arts in schools has been shown to improve the living environments of schools. When the arts are added to schools, and importance is placed on them, students simply put have a better time: student retention rates increase, disciplinary referrals decrease, and the overall rating of “boredom” declines. Students involved with projects rather than standardized tests have an easier time getting through the material. An artistic environment that makes students feel included in rather than churned out by their educational environment betters their childhoods. School, as it partially mimics the “real world,” will not always be a easy, but nor, also like the “real world,” should it stifle the activities that bring us joy.