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Why Diversity Programs Fail (You can't outlaw bias! (Diversity…
Why Diversity Programs Fail
More diversity programs aren't creating diversity
Used as a way to curb litigation
Typically controlling behavior, not action encouraging
Hope to preempt lawsuits
You can't outlaw bias!
Diversity Training
Most training uses negative motivation
Discriminate and the company will pay the price
Most follows outdated - R. Roosevelt Thomas Jr - get on board or leave
Positive effects generally last 1-2 days after
Hiring Tests
Their research shows that managers use results selectively
Male managers tend to scrutinize women/minority tests over other white men
Performance ratings
Minorities/women typically lowballed
Ratings do not promote diversity
Voluntary training seems to be key
When given choice, people come to conclusion better
"I choose to show up, I must be pro-diversity"
Grievance procedures
Many managers try to get even with employees that speak up
Once people see grievance system isn't warding off bad behavior, they are less likely to speak up
Tools for getting managers on board
Prompt managers to act with a particular pov
College recruitment programs
Getting managers involved in these type of programs helps push behavior later
Mentors help charges get the breaks they need
Coca-cola example
Work with groups towards common goals as equals (WWII example)
Self managed teams
Allow people with dif functions to work together
Cross training - across depts to help in understanding
Social Accountability
Plays on need to look good in other people's eyes
Transparency to activate accountability
MIT - posted average raise based on race/gender
Diversity task forces
CEO's assemble teams
Team analyzes the problem
Task force member in each dept to ask, "Does this look right?
Would this work in public sector?
Pay off - 9-30% increase in minority/female candidates
Diversity Managers
Use manager because when people might have to explain their decisions they are less likely to act on bias