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C & C (Why is it meaningful and worthwhile? (It's a genuinely good…
C & C
Why is it meaningful and worthwhile?
It's a genuinely good creation. Creation is meaningful.
It has the potential to help a lot of people. The more I focus on it the more it will help people.
It has real potential to support me and my growth.
It's success means my success and the success of my family.
It is a practice of devotion.
It is a practice of responsibility.
My commitment to it will shape me and my future in positive ways.
It is an opportunity for some success in my life.
It is an opportunity for freedom.
How would the directors be acting ideally?
Like they care
Thinking ahead
Knowing all aspects of the business
Brings something valuable to company
Why do I have so much resistance to it?
It's been a long time. Much longer than I expected. Very little pay off until CSF.
It always felt more like Kait's thing.
I know I can let it slide because others are working on it.
Im just not that interested in it anymore.
Don't feel like I'm growing as a person from it anymore.
Slow pay off.
My own resistance to everything. A lot of it probably has nothing to do with CC.
Poor work ethic. Highly distractible.
How can I be more motivated?
5 benefits of applying myself
5 punishments of not applying myself
See it as a meditation/practice. Don't need to like it.
Clear vision of the ideal end product and how great it's going to be.
Type of person I want to be
How should I be treating it?
Like a golden goose that will lay in direct proportion to the love and attention I give it.
Like what I do matters. If I fail, it fails
Like an actual relationship with somebody i care about
With respect. It took a long time to create, a lot of money, a lot of pain and lately I've kind of abandoned it.
Like it is already a success. Like I'm proud of it. Like it reflects back on me. Like I fucking care about it.