What aspects do you think contribute to breakdowns in communication throughout FGGO?
who is responsible?
confusion, from top down and who is taking lead
who is communicating?
where is the process?
written process doc and comms would be helpful
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sites, e.g US CSC central not functioning properly and not updated.
inconsistently used process
different based on location; tdrive UK and old sharepoint site in the US.
roles changing, growth and fast paced change
not always aware of differences
roles changing; growth
lack of understanding esp when dealing cross functionally of how processes changing can impact different teams processes
UK: end to end partnership, closer partnerships crossfunctionally. easier when you are closer in proximity.
can have face to face interactions makes it easier
clear understanding of the why impact
2 way conversations now, less so in the past (UK) taken some time
not as well communicated in US
not always knowledge of who to talk to?
email used as engagement, weekly meetings, team leads speaking with the different team and feeding info back to the team. (UK)
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lync does not always work well for huddle (Seattle/remote)
Relationships: 2 way communication
timezones is a barrier
harder to start relationships when in different locations
same communication breakdown despite location when dealing crossfunctionally
e.g dave and christine
lync and VPN are not compatible
how comfortable would you be out reaching to others you have never interacted with?
not knowing roles and not having met them
you don't know what you don't know
departments feel siloed
remote: little interaction with certain teams, feel very removed
probing to find answers can be awkward ; feeling out of the loop
discomfort when you are not sure it is the right person
does not always get info on movers/shakers (Kg)