Why should we devote time to the past?
Just why-question is perhaps the teacher's main entrance when the lessons should be prepared, implemented and evaluated. The story varies answer to this question in time but also in the room. A history teacher at a grammar school in Sweden in the early 1900s would almost certainly answer "To create, shape and nurture good Swedish citizens." His starting point had been the Swedish history with a strong emphasis on the King of history and course of the period to termed Stormaktstiden (1611-1718). The obvious is that there is a history whose content and form is determined. No room for interpretation and perspective were not. The teaching was therefore an education that included and excluded. History stories, which designs based on contemporary needs, and thus it is obvious that there are different stories was a completely foreign input. Since 2011, the starting point in our history lessons, we should not convey a story. As a history teacher, you snare adjusters emphasize and teach about the past presence among us individuals based on our individual needs. Who am I? Who are we? Why is it here? are some of the initial questions when we as a history teacher to motivate the topic of our students. History is thus more and different stories (but not any number). Diversity is a strength and a matter of course, the opposite sets in motion some warning bells.
/Bo Persson