BIQ-Achieve MOS Calibration-Phase 2
QMS-Level B
STW-Level A
Andon-Level A
Systematic Problem Solving-Level B
Self Ownership-Level B
There is no clear link between Quality
management system & Policy
There is limited use of quality
management applications.
Quality standards have been clearly
identified & defined, aligned with
manufacturing process.
A quality management system exists
but is focused primarily on
manufacturing processes.
Operator training is designed to ensure
that new hires are capable of
performing to recognized quality
standards ( Cycle time and FTT @
Training line)
Effective Andon devices are installed in key value adding areas
Andon policy is developed and followed
Effective problem highlighting
mechanism is evident with effective
short–term counter measures in all :
value adding areas.
Production control boards are updated
with appropriate countermeasures if
there is any deviation
PDCA Policy & trigger points established
The management team learns,
understands the systematic approach,
management by PDCA and starts
practicing. There is a structured
mechanism being developed to learn,
practice, teach and coach among the
management levels and cascaded down
Management is committed to train
successive teams on the structured
problem solving method
Appropriate training on the problem
solving tools to the levels are being
identified, training calendar formulated.
Inspection standards are visible and
same form of written standard method
is available ( Article description, Pink
card), accurate and updated
Effective Successive inspection methods in
place with feedback loop. The numbers of
FTT points are more to ensure prevention
and filtering than fixing the problem
Self-inspection is in place in critical processes
5 Why Analysis for the lowest FTT article identified through shift wise FTT meeting 😃
Establishing PDCA Policy 🚫
8 Step Problem solving is done for Customer Complaints 😃
STD yarn cone is provided for Final Inspection for each SO (machine wise) 😃
FTT points have been defined to each process monitored weekly/monthly basis 😃
Self inspection is in place for the RM & FG of each process-Done by relevant process owner 😃
ISO 9001 - QMS is in place 😃
Well defined Quality Assurance Process in place from RM in house to FG delivery. 😃
Basic Training is ongoing according to a Plan 😃
STW need to be prepared for each operaion to train the members according to cycle time ⚠
Andon Policy need to be Developed 🚫
Key areas need to be identified & Andon devices need to be installed 🚫
5Why training have been given for the Process Auditors 😃