Europe in WWII


Germany re-militarizes and send troops to Rhineland (French Territory)

Austria and Czechoslovakia fall

1938-Germans march into Austra

invaded b/c the "master race" needed more living space

Knew German b/c of lines drawn during Treaty of Versailles


Sudetenland (region b/t Germany and Czechoslovakia) joined with Czechoslovakia

France and Britain promise protection from German Invasion

Treaty of Versailles create League of Nations to police international aggression

Munich Pact

Chamberlain and French Premier make an agreement with Hitler to give him Sudetenland


Winston Churchill opposed

German Offense begins

continued to expand territory

worried about Soviet counter attack

Non aggressive pact

b/t Soviet Union and Germany to not fight each other

Invasion of Poland

Starts WWII

France Falls

June 1940- Falls to Hitler

Battle in Britain

Strong British Navy

2 months of bombings