George - smart, overpowering of Lennie, tells Lennie what to do, uses Carlson's gun to shoot Lennie.
Lennie - big, mentally disabled, likes to pet a lot of things, doesn't know how to keep his mouth shut, is incapable of making decisions by himself and relies on George entirely, and is very strong.
Curley - likes to pick fights with guys that are bigger than he is, short and mean, wears a glove with vaseline on it to keep his hand soft for his wife
Curly's wife - wears fancy red feathered shoes, represents the temptation of female sexuality in a male-dominated world, like the other ranch hands, she is lonely and has broken dreams of a better life
Crooks - the black stable hand that takes care of the horses, gets his name from having a crooked back, proud, bitter, and caustically funny, isolated from the other men because of his skin color, becomes fond of Lennie, and though he derisively claims to have seen countless men following empty dreams of buying their own land, he asks Lennie if he can go with them and hoe in the garden.
Slim - highly skilled mule driver, the acknowledged “prince” of the ranch, is the only character that seems to be at peace with himself, gives Lennie one of his new puppies,swamper.
Carlson - complains about Candy's old smelly dog, uses his gun to shoot the old dog.
Candy - lost his hand in an accident, asks to join George and Lennie in their big dream of owning their own place, worries about his future on the ranch.
The boss - stocky well dressed, gives whiskey to the ranch hands on Christmas day.
Aunt Clara - Lennie's aunt, took good care of Lennie and George until she died.
Whit - a ranch hand.