Inspector Goole
Powerful and controlling
We know this as in the stage directions it says he was a man of "massiveness, solidarity and purposefulness"
He interrupts Mr Birling at many points in the play and one stage direction even says he "cut through massively" in one of Mr Birlings speeches.
He also interrupts Mr Birlings speech when he says "A man has to look after himself and his own", immediately taking the control and attention away from him.
When the inspector enters it states in the stage directions the lighting changes as he 'sheds light on the situation' therefore showing how he has even controlled the setting.
Professional and organised
He said "No thank you, I'm on duty" when offered a drink by Mr Birling, showing he takes his job seriously.
Says "One person or one line of enquiry at a time or it gets muddled"
He says "it's his duty" to ask questions demonstrating his professional attitude and determination to get his job done.
Courageous and outspoken
He points out the current flaws in society which most would be afraid to do showing his outspoken nature.
He says that "We are all responsible for one another" and that we "are members of one body" which goes against the views of many upper class people at that time.
He has a habit of "staring hard" and walked "straight out" showing h is confident and wasn't fearful of anyone, even Mr Birling who seemed to be quite an intimidating character.
The inspectors role
The inspector is described as being "not like an ordinary police officer" adding to the suspicion of his character.
His name "Ghoole" is a homophone for "ghoul" which implies a ghost or phantom like creature.
It becomes apparent at the end that he is not a normal police officer.
There is almost a sort of omniscient feel to him as he seems to know what the characters have done before they do.
The inspector is said to wear a "plain, darkish suit" which almost the audience or reader filing him into a certain class or social position.
Many people feel he was the voice of Priestley in the book. This is because he was known to be an outspoken socialist who objected to the mistreatment of the lower class.
Some people also feel he is the voice of socialism. This is because his voice promoted the socialist views and ideas that were around at the time.
Another idea is that Goole is some sort of angel sent by God. This is because, it would explain him knowing all about the Birlings and also gives reasoning behind his prophecy at the end and why there are some references to the church in the book.
We know he had a big influence on Sheila as she says "How he looked, and what he made me feel", showing he had a fair amount of power over her.