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Molly's Impact Wheel (Values (Family Beliefs (Hardwork (My parents and…
Molly's Impact Wheel 
Volleyball for me has been so much fun but has also has taught me some very important things. From playing this sport for the past 6 years, I have learned a lot about problem solving and teamwork. Since volleyball is a team sport, communication is crucial. Everyone always needs to be on the same page and working towards the same goals. It's challenging when not everyone gets along, but at the end of the day communication is essential. I've also learned a lot about the importance of teamwork. With 6 people on the court, it's impossible to do anything if everyone is trying to work as an individual.
Model UN
Model UN has given me the opportunity to explore world issues and develop my public speaking skills while meeting a variety of new people. I've always had problems speaking in front of big crowds of people. Although I don't always go up to the front in front of the whole committee, I have developed my risk taking skills and communication skills by talking with people during unmod sessions and also through note passing. I know I still have some ways to go, but from doing MUN it has helped my social anxiety even though I still do get nervous in big groups of people I don't know. Hopefully by continuing this, it will help me develop my skills further and also help me to overcome my anxiety of speaking in front of big groups of people I don't know.
Volunteering at Sunnyview has taught me a lot about myself. At first, I saw this opportunity as a way to get service hours and not much more. After going for almost 2 years, I've found my passion for working with kids with and without special needs. I find that my favourite day of the week is Wednesday because I get to start my day with kids who never fail to put a smile on my face. Volunteering at Sunnyview has taught me a lot about being patient as well. It can be challenging to interact with kids who are not able to communicate verbally so I need to be patient when working with them. From volunteering, I've been able to discover a new passion but also develop skills that will help me in my future endeavours.
Future Pursuits
Post-Secondary Interests
Medicine - Similarly to what I talked about in my job predictions, my JVIS and 16 Personalities quiz told me that healthcare would be a good field for me. Ever since I was younger, healthcare has been a big interest for me. Like what I said in my Job Predictions, this was good validation for me to know that this is something that would suit me.
Social Work - My Myers Briggs test told me the social work would be a good job pursuit for me. I touched on this in my job predictions, but I have always loved initiatives that work with younger kids like Big Sister Little Sister and Branksome and at Sunnyview where I am also a volunteer. At my old school as well, I used to help out in the JK and SK classes daily just because I liked doing it. Education is something that is very important to me and working with kids is something I really enjoy. By getting social work as one of my results, it made me realize how much of my time is spent working with young kids and it made me realize how much I really love doing it. I've never really thought about working in this field but from my tests, it has made me take it into consideration my interests and what I really want to do in the future.
Job Predictions
My JVIS and 16 Personalities quiz both told me that healthcare would be a good profession for me. Healthcare and helping people in general has always been an interest to me. By receiving these results, it has validated what I might want to do in the future because it is something I am interested in and I also think it is something I can be successful in.
One of my involvements is volunteering with a program at Sunnyview which I talk more about in my involvements section. I love to work with kids and I feel like that this would also be something really fun I could do when I'm older. The Myers Briggs Test suggested for career options both health care and social service and I though working at a school with Sunnyview would not only be fun to work at but would also allow me to help kids and teach them. Education is something that is very important to me and through this program, I've realized how rare specialized schools are and by possibly perusing this, I would be making a difference in children's lives.
Pheonix Fury 
This year was my first year playing on Phoenix after three years of playing volleyball at another club. However, I feel so supported and appreciated here and it really feels like a second family for me. On my team, we really value each others skills and what we can offer the team. When people are away, it makes me realize how important everyone of the team is and it makes me appreciate everyone and their skills that much more.
I have been going to school at Branksome since Grade 7 and it has helped me to grow as a student and as an individual. Branksome has continually pushed me academically and has given me opportunities to develop my leadership skills and my global awareness. I've taken risks by selecting courses like Computer Studies which have challenged me to learn new and unfamiliar material. Branksome has also given me oppertunities to got to conferences like the Influencers of Tomorrow Summit which I attended in May of 2016. I was able to collaborate with girls from around Toronto and listen to very interesting Key Note speakers. Branksome has given me many new oppertunites and has also pushed me to become a better student. Branksome has overall helped me to be a better leader and also a better student.
Family Beliefs
My parents and my family highly value hardwork. My parents have always told me that working hard is one of the most important things I can do. My parents have always showed me how hard they work and how much of a difference it makes then just working with no effort. Even though sometimes I don't do as well as I had hoped on a test, my parents always ask me if I had studied and worked on it and praise me for doing that even if my results done necessarily show it. It has showed me the importance of trying your best and also working hard because all though sometimes you don't succeed, at least you gave it your all and put all of your effort into it.
My parents have always been very supportive of me and my brothers when it comes to extracurriculars or courses we want to take in school. My parents have always encouraged me to try new things and experiment with things I wanted to try, Without this support, I would have never danced or played volleyball or soccer and would have never found my passion for sciences or for volleyball. By having this support as a child, I have the confidence I need to try new things and also continuing to pursue the things that I have a passion for.
Personal Beliefs
One of my personal beliefs is that everyone has a right to an education. Having an education helps people in their everyday lives and allows people to be successful. There are so many girls in this world that are denied access to education and it pushes me that much more to take the opportunities I am presented with to get the most out of my education.
Character Traits
IB Learner Profile
Risk Taker
My parents have encouraged me to be a risk taker my entire life. Any time life gives me an opportunity, my parents always encourage me to take it. Last year, when we were given the chance to go to Korea, I was a bit hesitant to sign up. After talking it over with my parents and talking about how this trip would affect me, I decided that it would be a good idea to try it and see what would happen. It turned out to be the best experiences of my life. I got to meet so many new people and experience a new culture on the other side of the world. I am really glad that I took that risk because it has helped me be more globally aware and more thankful for all of the opportunities I have had. This summer, I have decided to take a risk and travel to Ecuador on a service trip. I'm lucky enough to be travelling with one of my friends but this will be very new to me. This will be the first time for me to go to South America to a country where I don't speak their native language. I'm very excited but also nervous for this experience but I can guarantee that I would have regret it if I had decided not to take this risk.
In grade 7, our culminating task was based off of Model United Nations. Ever since them, I have had a passion for MUN and have continued participating in it since then. I have attended public speaking workshops and have attended multiple conferences in Canada. From these experiences, I have improves my public speaking skills and my collaboration skills. I've always found getting up in front of an audience and speaking challenging but theses workshops and opportunities to speak have helped me to overcome that. Similarly, I find talking to new people with very different perspectives on issues quite challenging but MUN has helped me to put myself out there more and talk to new people. Overall MUN has helped me to be a better communicator which has helped me with my in class presentations and will also help me with my future pursuits later in life.
One of my character strengths is teamwork. I feel that being a good communicator has helped me to develop my teamwork skills and has helped me to connect better with people when I work with them.
One of the traits I pride myself on is my open-mindedness. Having had a variety of experiences ranging from Model United Nations to travelling to Korea, it has helped me to become a more open-minded person. From these experiences, it has helped me to always listen to the ideas and opinions of others and has also helped me to be more considerate when working on group projects. I tend to be a natural leader and I usually tend to think my way is the best way. My experiences from in and out of Branksome has taught me that that theory is not always accurate. I've learned to listen more closely to others which has helped me develop as a person which doesn't only help me, but helps to people I work with as well as those I am going to work with in the future.
Personal Motivations
Being Successful
Three of my four grandparents are immigrants to Canada. Both my grandparents and my parents have had to work very hard to give me the life I have today. It is very important to me that I work just as hard as they did in everything I do. It means a lot to me to have the support of these people in my life and know they are proud of my achievements. I want my parents to see the effort I put into my work and the outcome of it so they know that all the work they have done to give me the best chance has payed off. Whether it be being successful in school or in my extra curriculars, I want my parents to see that I am making the best of everything I do and that I take all of these opportunities seriously and not for granted.
Helping Others
I have been fortunate enough to grow up in Canada in a safe and supportive home. I've heard from people who haven't been as lucky during the YPI project last year, where me and a few of my peers visited a home for people of the LGBT+ community. This experience helped made me realize how lucky I am to live in a home with people who love and support me and give me the resources to be successful. The YPI process has shown me that some people right here in our own community are not as fortunate as all of us and it has motivated me to give back more to my community. I always look for more volunteering option and have in the past volunteered at soup kitchens and also at a shelter in the Regent Park area. I've always felt a little bit of guilt for being in such a good situation and volunteering and helping others helps me to be more grateful for the things I have and also helps me give back to my community.
Resilience Toolbox
One thing that I find very important to maintaining my wellness is physical activity. I feel a lot more sluggish and energy drained if I am sitting inside all day. Volleyball helps me to get this physical activity and helps me to feel better and get my work done more effectively. By knowing that I need to get physical activity to be productive, being fortunate enough to play volleyball at such a high level helps me to not only play with a bunch of girls and develop my own personal skills in teamwork and communication but it also helps me to be more productive when I am working and helps me to academically success as well.
Sleep for me is something very valuable for me. Over the past couple of years, I've learned the sleep is something that keeps me healthy and happy. I find that when I don't get enough sleep, I tend to lose all of my motivation to work and am not productive at all. It puts me in a bad mood and when I'm tired I tend to isolate myself from others. Sleep helps me to be more productive when I need to do work and also helps me to maintain relationships with my friends and my family members. Without sleep, I am not myself and cant't function properly. I use a sleep tracking app to help me monitor the time I sleep and also the quality of my sleep. This helps me to ensure that I get enough sleep every night and helps me to better regulate my wellness.
Over the past couple of years I have been at Branksome, I have made a lot of friends. I have been lucky enough to meet many amazing girls who I feel that I have really connected with. It means a lot to me to have people I can talk to when something is wrong but also laugh until we cry because of something funny one of us said. I know from experience how difficult it can be to go through a tough situation where you feel like you have no one to talk to but it makes me feel so much better and so happy that I have people in my life that I can always talk to free of judgement.
Growing up, my parents have given me many opportunities to travel to many places both in and out of the country. In the past few years I have been lucky enough to travel to places such as Banff in Canada and Korea in grade 9 with Branksome Hall. Being able to travel to new places and experience new cultures has made me understand how lucky I am to be able to travel to these new places and be able to have these types of experiences. I've learned a lot about myself from these trips as well. I've found a passion for travelling and meeting new people and have also been able to discover my love for Korean and Mexican food. I'm so thankful for having had these travel opportunities because they have helped me to grow as a globally minded citizen.
Branksome Hall/Education
Over the past four years of attending Branksome, I've learned how lucky I am to be attending such an amazing school. Having the opportunity to learn in an environment where I am encouraged to succeed has helped me develop as a student and also as an individual. The media constantly tells us about girls like Malala Yousafzai, who are denied access to education and it has really made me understand how lucky I am to attend such an amazing school. Whenever I hear stories like these, it reminds me to be thankful and grateful for the amazing opportunity I have to attend Branksome and make sure I make the most of it everyday I am there.