Key elements of a Health and safety management system - Managing Health and safety (HSG65)

Plan #

Effective health and safety policy

Planned and systematic approach to policy implementation

Establish performance standards #

Do #

Decide on risk control measures and put them in place (risk profiling)

Provide adequate supervision to ensure that arrangements are being followed

Communicate effectively and consult with the workforce

Check #

Measure performance against pre-determined standards

Assess how well the risks are being controlled

Investigate the cause of accidents, near misses and ill-health

Act #

Review performances

Learn from accidents, near misses, errors and ill-health, including from there organisations

Take action on lessons learnt

OHSAS 18001

Policy (Plan)

Planning (Plan)

Implementation and operation (Do)

Checking and corrective action (Check)

Management review (Act)

Continual improvement (Act)

Role of the health and safety policy

To provide direction for an organisation in terms of health and safety

To establish a remit that will influence decisions about health and safety

Legal requirement

Section 2(3) of Health and safety at work act 1974, requires the communication of the health and safety policy. If there are 5 or more employees the it needs to be written down.

Statement of intent


To demonstrate senior management commitment to health and safety

To set health and safety objectives and goals


Commitment to provide a safe working environment

Commitment to provide safe plant and equipment

Commitment to manage risks

Commitment to ensure the health and safety of employees and others SFAIRP (So Far As Is Reasonably Practicable)

Commitment to legal compliance

Commitment to provide sufficient resources for health and safety



To identify health and safety responsibilities

To set health and safety objectives and goals

Persons and Responsibilities (examples)

Directors and senior managers - Setting policy, establishing targets

Middle managers - Implementing policy

Line managers - Carrying out inspections

Employees - Reporting H&S concerns

Safety representatives - Representing employees' views

Fire marshals - Clearing the building during an evacuation

First-aiders - Administering first-aid

Competent person - Advising on legal compliance



To outline practical measures to implement the policy

To outline systems and procedures that assist in the maintenance of standards


Arrangements for carrying out risk assessments

To be carried out by a competent person

Arrangements for health and safety training

Employer not to charge for Health and safety training to comply with Regulation 9 HASAW1974

Arrangements for Personal Protective Equipment

Must be properly looked after and stored when not in use. If reusable it must be kept in good condition.

Arrangements for control of contractors

Nominated persons from both the Client and Contractor to act as main liaison points

Welfare arrangements

For e.g. Toilets, Sanitary conveniences, drinking water and changing room facilities

Accident reporting procedures

For e.g. an accident at work which resulted from an activity whilst carrying out work, would be reported to RIDDOR if the injured party was absent from work for 7 days in total (Monday to Monday, not 7 working days)

First-aid procedures

First-aiders to administer first aid when required i.e. treating minor injuries that don't require medical attention

Emergency procedures

Plan of actions to be conducted in a certain order or manner led by a competent person, in response to an emergency event i.e. during a fire evacuation, making sure everybody has left the building and is accounted for.

External influences which may trigger a policy review

Legislation / ACoPs / Guidance

Policy in place might be outdated and does not comply will new legislation

Enforcement action

Notice of improvement given by local authority and must be remedied by a deadline set by the H&S inspector

Advice from insurance company

In order to reduce the cost of insurance, the company decides to make changes to the policy to meet necessary requirements of the insurance company to lower the premiums.

External accident investigation

An accident at work reported to RIDDOR of which they have decided to investigate

Audio from an external body

Auditor has identified a weakness in the policy and gives advice on a better practice .

Internal influences which may trigger a policy review

Change of organisational structure

The structure or range of duties carried out change which would trigger a review as new activities will be taking place therefore Risk assessments will have to be reviewed

Change of premises

Will have to review new premises in accordance to HASWA1974 section 2 (2) d and identify any new hazards.

Change of process

Internal accident investigation

If an employee has been caused serious personal injury then the policy should be reviewed to take reasonable measures to reduce the risk of repeating the injury.

As a result of internal monitoring

Indicates that the H&S policy is no longer totally effective i.e. after a series of similar injuries

As result of a risk assessment

RA has identified a hazard not identified before which will mean reasonable practicable measures will have to be put in place to reduce the risk of injury

Actively promote a positive health and safety culture - lead by example

Develop and publish a clear health and safety policy and strategy

Develop an infrastructure of responsibility for health and safety

Provide necessary resources

Establish safe systems of work and safe working practices

Set individual objectives and develop training plans

Review and approve risk assessments

Agree and manage corrective actions

Conduct risk assessments

Carry out health and safety inspections

Investigate accidents and cases of ill-health

Manage the work of non-employees (

Ensure the health and safety of themselves and others

Comply with health and safety rules and procedures

Identify and report any unsafe practices

Identify and report any unsafe conditions

Ways in which Senior management can demonstrate commitment to health and safety

Sign the H&S policy's statement of intent

Champion H&S at senior management meetings

Representation on the H&S committee

Provide sufficient resources to ensure effective implementation of health and safety systems

Allocate roles and responsibilities in relation to H&SD

Appoint competent persons to assist and provide expertise

Undertake H&S tours and inspections

Undertake reviews of H&S