Deadline Scheduling

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real time operating system are designed with the objective of starting real time

generally , not concerned with sheer speed

priorities provide a crude tool

do not capture the requirement of completing

Fall Soft Operation

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refers to bility of a system


Real Time Scheduling of Process

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Round- RObin Preemptive Scheduler

priority-driven nonpreemtive schedular

Priority-Driven preemptive scheduar on preemption points

Real Time Scheduling

system performs schedulability analysis

result of analysis

Classes of Real Time Scheduling Algorithm

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static table driven approaches

static priority-driven preemptive appoaches

dyamic planning-based approached

dynamic best effort approaches

feasibility is determined at runtime

performs a statics analysis

one result of analysis is a schedule

a static analysis is perfomed but no schedule

result is a schedule that determined at runtime , when a task must begin execution

analysis is used to assign priorities to task

no feasibility analysis is performed

system tries to meet all deadlines