p. Alternatively, content may also be co-created by a wider range of users who are encour-aged to make their own contributions or to modify existing digital content. For example, AR graffiti apps (e.g., Street Tag and Tagd) turn the physical world into a digital canvas in which consumers can leave messages or images on walls and public landmarks. Marketers may allow for the co-creation of content in order to empower consumers, cultivate brand communities, and stimulate advocacy. However, they should retain some control by developing community and content management policies to govern which users can contribute content, what types of content can be contributed (e.g., text, pictures, videos), and what type of content will be most valued and prioritized for display (e.g., consumer rated, new, brand consistent).They should also devise plans for how the community or marketer will deal with inappropriate or brand-critical content in ways that do not damage the reputation of the brand