Zane Bagdriwicz Japanese american internment camps

I Introduction

V Conclusion

IV Hardships and Camplife

II Historical Background

Tesis Statement

Attention Getter: " I couldn't take my eyes off of my children for even a moment so that they wouldn't go outside the fence. The guards were to shoot anyone that did. "

A Attack on Pearl Harbor

B Government Response

Executive Order 9066: " it authorized the removal for any or all persons from military areas. "

2Casualties and Damage: There were 1,177 crewman wounded and 2,403 deaths during the attack. The us naval ship called the " USS Arizona" was hit four times and eventually sank.

1Cause: The reason that pearl harbor happened was because the Japanese didn't want the American fleet interfering with their conquer of the Dutch East Indies

Date December 7,1941

III Relocation Proces

B Assembly Centers

A Frenzy of Moving


4Selling Items

3Destroy Property

2Storage: Most things that were put in storage were stolen.

1Locations: There are 12 centers in California, 1 in Arizona, 1 in Oregon, and 1 in Washington.

2Why: The reason there were camps was because the government didn't want to risk anything like Pearl Harbor happening again.

3Population: The camps' capacity was 15,000 people but there were up to 18,789.

4Conditions: The camps were over crowded the walls were so thin you could here the other people walk at night.

A Food: They ate rice, macaroni, potatoes, beef brains, tongue, kidneys, and liver

B Hygene

C Privacy: you could here the people on the other side of the partitions walking

1Bathing: they had to take showers instead of baths

2RR: there was a lack of privacy everywhere. There were incomplete partitions in the stalls.