Zone of Proximal Development
More Knowledgeable Other
Assisted Learning/ Scaffolding
Cultural Tools
Different levels of learner's ability to learn
in zone of proximity means needs no aid from others
right outside zone of proximity means that needs some guidance in order to perform the task
outside zone of proximity means that it is extremely difficult or impossible for the learner to complete
someone or something that has more knowledge than the learner and guides them along the way
older peer or friend not necessarily an adult but not one's peer
different levels of teaching according to the level of understanding and/or confidence of the student
guide the learners through the steps carefully
doing part of the assignment with the student. letting them finish another half by themselves
giving the students a clear outline of what is expected and work in a group
give the students a guideline and let them work independently on their own
Being aware of the different backgrounds of the learners
using tools that help students that are still learning the language
tying the content back to the students native culture
providing learner with different projects that work better for them
positive environment
zone of proximal development
accepting norms and values established by others
accepting knowledge and putting it in your mind
culture mediation
interpersonal communication
I chose to use coggle to represent Vygotsky's theories because the text presents his different methods in a format that makes it easy to compare. Additionally, coggle helps me remember the information better and isn't too complicated. I know that if I used a different median I wasn't familiar with I'd encounter one of the problems discussed in one of the articles. I'd be too concerned with the technological aspect and miss what concepts I actually needed to learn. To more clearly state the what, how and why... I am representing Vygotsky's theories on learning by using a conceptual map through coggle. Furthermore, I am representing Vygostky's theories through coggle because it is a clear visual that makes it easy to see his different methods/ideas of learning. Coggle also works best for me as a diagram so I chose to use it instead of trying to figure out a new method that might just make me more frustrated.
I will use Vygotsky's theory in a specific lesson by using assisted learning/ scaffolding to teach the students about how to write a book review on one of the historical non-fictions, novels or memoirs that we may be reading. I am going to give students a pre-assessment to find out how much they know about the topic of the book and how much they know about writing book reviews. This will enable me to know their ZPDs. I will differentiate with readiness by having a different set of assignments for those who need little guidance. The students who need little guidance on how to write a book review will turn their book review in earlier than the other students since they do not need to be taught how to write. The other students will go through a series of activities that I, the MKO will lead. Students will internalize by repeated practice of how to write a book review and by appropriating their knowledge of the subject of the book. In regards to culture tools there will be a positive environment as students learn and make mistakes. I will also use language that works with students who may not be used to academic terms.