Creating opportunities for students to collaborate locally and globally


Local Challenges

Global Challenges


Local Benefits

Global Benefits

Learning about other cultures

student privacy safety

Learning about other geography (Mystery Skypes)

Compatible technology, standards etc.

Release of images, video, chats of students

Collaborating with tech can be challenging. For example, doing math on the computer can just be kind of difficult, in general.

Time zones & Language

differentiation within groups

Different teaching methods for math topics can make it challenging for students from different classes to work together.

Allows for feedback from many different users beyond teacher

if you group students thoughtfully then students at all levels can learn more about the topic.

Access to experts

Sense of larger community

Real world expereince - many jobs interact with other countries all the time

Integration into existing curriculum can be time consuming at first

high cap students could teach other students

Sometimes the tech or sound or network is a barrier

Getting connected can be a challenge

peer support improves persistence

Life, even just a district away, can be quite different than what are students are used to.

Empathy/Cultural Competency

More "fish in the sea" for study buddies?

Temptation to stick with individual work because it is easier to manage