-low grade fever
-weakness, malaise, fatigue
-arthralgias, myalgias, back pain
-abdominal discomfort
-weight loss
-clubbing of fingers
-splinter hemorrhages (black longitudinal streaks on nail beds)
-petechiae in conjunctiva, lips, buccal mucosa, palate; over ankles, feet, antecubital area & popliteal area (from fragmentation & microembolization of vegetative lesions)
-Osler's nodes (painful, tender, red or purple, pea-sized lesions) found on fingertips & toes
-Janeway's lesions (flat, painless, small, red spots) found on palms & soles
-Roth's spots (hemorrhagic retinal lesions)
-murmur (either new onset or changing & occurs usually in aortic or mitral valve)