Technology-enhanced learning, teaching & assessment for module: Strategic Management Seminars

Teaching - The lecturer perspective: How to construct and manage technology-enhanced learning for students

The learner perspective #

My own journey of personal learning

The challenges

Large group - 120-150, composed of 7 disparate programme groups. Distinct sub-cultures & learning styles evident.

Double-weighted capstone module, final semester, level 8.

Module is currently over-assessed, through series of written CAs and summative exam.

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Module amendment - a formal process - what's manageable within module amendment regs?

Getting started

Introductory video Password Telta

Best practice in introducing effective assessment in a digital age

Link Title

Regulatory implications

DIT General Assessment Regulations (with appropriate [amendments]Link Title

Informed by: Link TitleLink Title

Informed by: Link Title

Reconfiguring the module

Core technologies

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What is successful technology integration?

Introduce Slack, encourage and monitor its use and effectiveness

In what way will my own role as the lecturer have to change in delivering and grading this assessment, and how will students perceive this?

Creating a supportive online environment for the new assessment, especially for the first iteration


Blended vs. face to face. How will my own role have to evolve? Link Title

VLE/Blackboard Online collaborative space


Set clear expectations link to article

Formal communications. Maintain individual & group email through Webcourses, and DIT Gmail.

Peer-to-peer and informal communications. Facebook already in use. Introduce Slack

Staying motivated Vroom's Expectancy theory of Motivation Link Title )

Digital badges. These may not be relevant immediately,
but could be worked up to as the module develops.
([Link Title](

Intrinsic vs extrinsic motivation. TELTA has encouraged me to consider this more as I attempt to shift the module to a greater aspect of tech-enhancement.

Dialogue. Maintain the prompt email response which is currently in place.

Scaffolding. The module is already well scaffolded, considering its scale and scope, but the online assessment dimension will require specific supports.

Overcoming transactional distance. This will not be a central problem, as the majority of content delivery will still be face-to-face.


Personal emails. Create personalized ezine at module commencement & regular intervals (already used in other contexts using Mail Chimp and Vertical Response)

Can I develop a community of 'learners'? 7 disparate groups in this module, so buy-in will be a challenge.

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Learning materials

Already using Flipped Classroom. Build on this.

in-class technologies. Already in use but sporadically. Increase and streamline use of these.



Aurasma. Already using to a limited extent in class and for distance materials. This will be developed further

Specific intended assessment changes after undertaking TELTA

Replace 30% of current assessment with choice of tech-enhanced assessment: e.g.make a video or screencast around key module themes. Support use of Powtoon or Vimeo

The module TFMG4003 School of Hospitality Management & Tourism. Running for around 15 years, largely unchanged

Informed by: West (2010) 'A student's guide to strengthening an online community', Tech Trends, 54:5, pp. 69-75, and Thompson, P. (2015), 'How digital native leaners describe themselves', Education & Information Technologies, 20:3, pp. 467-484.

Carlile & Jordan (2005) 'It works in practice, but will it work in theory? The theoretical underpinning of pedagogy', AISHE, Dublin pp. 11-26.

Do I, and the students, have the digital literacy skills? How far down the tech-enhanced road should I go?Link Title

Using OERs
I will experiment in this area.

Offer digital choice in assessment work. Support interpretative flexibility on students' part Link Title

Maintain use of VLE (Webcourses), but increase use of wikis and discussion boards

Introduce an early webinar to the module]

Check reputation and licence restrictions

How can I make the content accessible?

Gutierrez & Fernandez (2014) 'Augmented Reality in Learning, communicational and Professional Contexts in HE, Digital Education Review, 26 pp. 22-34

Be more mindful of creating a tech-enhanced learning environment. Be more experimental.

Increase digital literacy through support apps. Already experienced in developing a bespoke transitions app. Use off-the-shelf apps

influenced by: Crisp (2011) - efficiency, effectiveness, authenticity, engagement

Influenced by: Biggs (1996), Constructive Alignment

The module is team-delivered (2 staff). My co-instructor differs. Will all colleagues share my desire to rework the module?

Connecting the teacher & the learner

Bound by formal DIT GARs and module validation processes

In effect, I am adding a 'blended' learning aspect