--> degraded stimulation, visual masking, visual crowding, bistable figures, binocular rivalry, motion- induced blindness, inattentional blindness, change blindness and attentional blink
degraded stimulation
--> displaying stimulus too short to be reliably detected
--> by displaying it together with lots of noise which also decreases chance of being detected
--> quickly displaying stimulus then masking it with e.g. a picture
--> makes first stimulus invisible cause performed so quick that processing is "stopped" lol not because implicitly they react to it so lool !!
Binocular rivalry
--> caused if theres noncorrespondiing images falling on non coresponding point on the retina
--> in other words a different image is falling on non linked areas of the retina
picture A and picture B
Picture A is falling on left eye spot A but right eye spot B ( instead of a
picture B is falling on left eye B but right eye A
so each eye has info form 2 different images and that info is not the same that the thereye has / does not correspond to the image that is on the same spot in the different retina!
e..g in above example #
--> left eye spot A = picture A right eye Spot A = picture B
--> left eye spot B = picture B right eye Spot B = picture A
so two different pictures that are not the same on a specific spot in eachs eye retina
---> why dont we notice it a lot one image gets suppresed
--> we dont pay attention to it :p
which image will get supressed ?
-->the one that at that time is less novel / foveated