Gameshow Host: "A guy from the slums becomes a millionaire overnight. You know who is the only other person who's done that? Me". The host's remarkable story highlights how globalisation, and the economic opportunities that come with it, have improved the lives of some individuals exponentially. “...the distancing from particular traditions that one finds with globalisation-that is, the move away from tight senses of belonging and commitment to place-specific forms of life and belief- is probably a good thing…"(Legraine, 2002) Furthermore, Marshall McLuhan recognises globalisation as a positive force, since it increases cultural interpenetration, enhancing global understanding and harmony. Contrastingly, the fact that the host is "the only other person who's done that" suggests that social mobility remains very restricted, and thus the host is determined to maintain his wealth, and even willing to lie to Jamal such that his own wealth is not compromised. Thus, through his characterisation, audiences recognise that the globalised Western world may encourage the loss/rejection of one's humanity. Contrastingly, Jamal is not affected by the desire for wealth or fame, he merely seeks Latika, and the (global) television show enables him to gain contact with her through television and communication technology.