¨Verbs¨ ❌by: Meave Vanegas Andrés Daniel

Deal with (lidiar con)

I have to deal with the boss every day.

Enable(Make posible, permitir)

I have to enable the codes for the computer.

Endure (soportar)

I have to endure you every day.

Attempt to (try, intentar)

This project is an attempt to pass the year

Strive to (esforzarse)

We must strive to do better.

Rise (aumenta)

I like to rise early in the morning

Call of (cancelar)

We have to cancel the meeting.

Hand in (entregar)

We need to hand in the homework every day

Turn down (rechazar)

Please turn down the air conditioning, I'm freezing.

Tell of (regañar)

Alan has been told off because of his bad behaviour in class

Run out of (quedarse sin)

The shop has run out of milk.

Put something away (guardar)

My mother told me to put away the Ipad