How we take the standard work document and develop a training & roll-out program



CI Contract Training: Incorporate moving forward

Who needs to be trained?

All levels of operational supervision, all SQCs, regional trainers, and any supervisors doing inspections (all users)

Method: Remove users from Predictive Solutions until all users have been trained

Limit who can add users to Predictive Solutions

Future reinforcement of training once initial wave has been completed

Must change culture that inspections are not negative, "looking under rocks", "dings", etc. It must be presented with crews as our primary customer. We're trying to help drive improvement #

Who is going to do the training? = Corporate

Must have corporate level support. Upper level operations leadership should attend the training sessions. It was recommended that safety and quality department leaders conduct the training.

SQCs may be able to assist with this

Develop campaign with corporate communications

Potentially have operations sponsor a GF or super to do some of the training at each session

Must have? Train the trainer session

Traveling training team for consistent message and delivery #

Tools that we leave employees post-training

Poka Yoke inspection process

Performance Measurements

Historical data vs. important timeline events

New employees must be trained prior to conducting inspections

Survey Monkey: "Who would you like to do the training?"

Train in Indy in sequenced schedule conducive to operations in the field

Train in "blitz" mode - don't let it stretch out too far

Train local & "speak their language"

What is the "cutoff" for minimum inspections per year with regards to who should be trained?

"Name" this event (Example: SQC Blitz")

Tentative completion date?

New inspectors cannot conduct inspections until they complete this training first

Conduct a "mock inspection" to simulate a real-life scenario as much as possible?

Measuring improved performance post-training

PDCA the process for check and adjust (cycle of refinement/learning)

Improvement path for SQC performance

Train to explain the "5 star" rating

Review incentive for number of inspections