Incubation - spread through respiratory tract. Incubation for ~2 weeks (median, 1-3 weeks)
Prodrome - couple days of fever, malaise, anorexia followed by coryzal symptoms and conjunctivitis. May have variably high fever.
Enanthem - usually only about 48h, just before the rash comes - may get Koplik spots in the buccal mucosa, usually clears up in 72h)
Exanthem: erythematous, maculopapular, blanching rash that usually starts on the face and spreads to the trunk. Becomes confluent.
HIGH fever.
Early on - rash is blanching.
Later - becomes non-blanching, may include petechiae
May get pronounced respiratory signs - pharyngitis, conjunctivitis
Usually a clinical improvement within 48h of the rash.