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many people have sex before marriage.many couples live together rather than marry.most marriages don't take place in a church.divorce is acceptable as a normal part of life.there is much more divorce and so more single-parent families are re- constituted families.there are more extended families and more mothers are in paid employment.There are many more single parents as more couples divorce.homosexual sex is treated the same as heterosexual sex.
Effective contraception made it safer to have sex before marriage.Fewer people went to church and so were not encouraged to keep sex until marriage.The media and celebrities made cohabitation look respectful and it became popular.
New laws made divorce much cheaper and easier for ordinary people.increased quality for women means that women are no longer prepared to accept unequal treatment from men and if their husbands treat them badly they will take divorce.Most married women depend on their husband's wages but now they are financially independent and support themselves ofter divorce.
the popularity of co- habitation means there are more families where the parents are not married.The increase in divorce has lead to an increase in re- marriage and so there are now many more re- constituted families.More mothers are in paid employment and use retired grandparents of close relatives to look after the children.the increase in divorce and the acceptance of unmarried mothers means there are more single parent families.
changes in the law have made it easier to be openly homosexual and made society more aware of it.medical research has shown that homosexuality is natural, leading people to accept equal status and right for homosexual couples.< media coverage of gay celebrities has lead to a greater acceptance of all gay people.the work of gay rights organisations has lead to a greater acceptance of equal rights for homosexuals.
most christians believe sex outside marriage is wrong:God gave us sex for the procreation of kids who should be bought up in a christian family so sex should only take place within a marriage.the bible says that sex outside marriage is sinful.all christians should follow the teaching of jesus.
before marriage it is forbidden in the quran.the shari'ah law says it should only take place in marriage.Allah says you shouldn't.islam teaches sex is for the procreation of children who should be raised in a family where the parent are married.
jesus said divorce is wrong.the couple has made a promise with god which cannot be broken.the churches teach that marriage cannot be dissolved so religious divorce is impossible.
jesus allowed divorce.if the marriage has broken down then the effects of the couple not divorcing would be a greater evil.the churches believe it is better to divorce than to live in hatred.
Prophet said it is hated and the most lawful thing.most marriages are arranged by families so there is pressure against it.muslims believe they will be send to hell if they harm children and divorce is likely to harm them.the quran teacher that families should try to rescue the marriage before divorce.
the quran permits divorce for serious reasons.the shariah law permits it.most muslims believe it it less evil rather then forcing them to live in hatred
have children and bring them up as good was created by god as the basis of society.christians teaching on divorce show family is important.without family children don't learn the importance between right and brings children into faith.
Muslim parent will be judged by god on how well they bought up their children.the quran teaches that family was created by god as the basic unit of society.prophet muhammed married and raised a family.without a family children don't learn the difference between right and is important as it brings the children in the faith.
It is not a sinfulThe church teaches that people cannot help their sexual orientation but they can control their sexual activities.Discriminating people because of their sexual orientation is similar to racism and that is sinful.
The bible says it is a sin and the bible is the word of GodAll churches have taught it is wrong.Liberal protestants- agreeThey are welcomed to the church.They feel the major Christian belief is love and they should accept them.Christians feel that the Holy spirit approves of homosexualityChristians believe that they should be open and honest and so gay Christians should not be made to tell lies and pretend to be heterosexual
Forbidden in the Quran.Prophet Muhammed said it not allowed.God says in the Quran marriage should happen between man and women.Islam teaches that sexual activity that happens should result in children.
They believe that Islam is a religion of toleration not hate.They believe that God created and loves all people what ever they are.
The church teaches that all sex should be unitive and creative.Contraception brings a very early abortion. Catholic churches believe artificial contraception leads to sexual promiscuity, broken families, divorce.
Christianity is about love and justice and contraception improves women's help.God created sex for enjoyment and to strengthen marriage, there does not have to be the possibility of children. There is nothing in the bible that forbids the use of contraception.They believe that using condoms is the best way to avoid HIV and AID'S
The Quran says it isn't allowed because you shouldn't kill your children on the fear of want.God created sex for having children.They believe it is a duty as Muslims to have large families
The Hadith says that the Prophet permitted the use of contraception.The Quran says God does not place extra burdens on his followers and contraception stops this.If the mother's health is at risk then contraception is permitted.