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Are full body cameras beneficial to the security of the people? (5.Other…
Are full body cameras beneficial to the security of the people?
Introduce the audience with the court case and explain the main distrubtor
Safariland is the parent company of VIEVU that makes body cameras
They were built from police experience,
VIEVU is a leader in body worn video providing video cameras for law enforcement, security, emergency medical services and retailers.
VIEVU body worn video cameras are used by thousands of law enforcement agencies in 17 countries. VIEVU received the highest score in an evaluation of body worn video by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security
baltimore court case
25 year old Freddie gray died while in custody.
State attorney Attorney Marilyn Mosby charged six police officers for the murder of this man.
Gray saw the police officers then ran, the cops caught up to him and found an alleged knife on gray.
The six cops gave him a spinal injury and this killed him a week later
The knife was a key evidence piece in the court case and the case came down to one person’s word vs another person’s word.
This court case casued the Baltimore roits and all could have been prevented if body cameras were in use.
explain the under utility of body cameras
Police executive research forum conducted a research experiment to find out the usage of BWC nationwide. Out of the 500, 254 responded, 25% of the agencies use body cameras.
2.body cameras in cities/states
Rialto, Californi
The Rialto study began in February 2012 and continued through July 2013. The study involved a randomized controlled trial in which half of the department’s 54 patrol officers were randomly assigned to wear the taser axon body cameras
Officers who did not wear body cameras made more arrests than officers who wore the video cameras. Officers who did not wear cameras performed 9.8% more Body searches and made 6.9% more arrests.
Officers wearing cameras were 25.2% more likely to perceive the devices as being helpful during their interactions with the public.
The cameras did not have a significant impact on whether or not officers gave verbal warnings to citizens.
In San Diego 49% physical conduct was down with officers wearing full body cameras
Officers with body cameras had 13.5% more interactions with citizens than those who did not wear them.
Officers assigned to wear cameras issued 23.1% more citations for ordinance violations than those who did not wear cameras.
Increased transparency and legitimacy
Improved police officer behavior
Improved citizen behavior
Improved evidence for arrest and prosecution
Bring back the court case and apply how evidence from the body cameras could have lead to a more straightforward case
Prevents riots in baltimore
Makes no assumptions in court cases
No cop gets off clean without a fair trial
Opportunities for police training
Expedited resolution of complaints and lawsuits
Officers’ privacy
Officers’ health and safety
Training and policy requirements
Logistical and resource requirements, including data storage and retrieval
Bring up technology differences in 2008 compared to 2017 and how fast we are improving
Citizens’ privacy
During the experimental period a total of 25 incidents of police use-of-force were recorded by Rialto Police Department, of which 17 occurred during control shifts and 8 during experimental shifts. These represent a mean rate of 0.78 and 0.33 incidents per 1,000 police–public contacts, respectively
In terms of complaints against officers, the between-groups treatment effect was not statistically significant.
The raw year-to-year reductions suggest 92 % fewer cases compared to 2009, 94 % compared to 2010, and 88 % compared to 2011—or 0.7 complaints per 1,000 contacts to 0.07 per 1,000 contacts
They acknowledge that this may pose ethical concerns but we believe that, on average, the benefits of using body-worn-cameras may outweigh the costs.
"I am confident that VIEVU's body worn cameras will help us showcase the good work that MDPD, which is the eighth-largest police department in the nation, is doing in our community," said Miami-Dade County Mayor Carlos Gimenez. "This technology will go a long way toward modernizing our police department, and it is an important tool for our officers to have so they can better protect and serve our community's families and children."
Quote from Mr. Dutton continued, "The Miami-Dade Police Department is responsible for protecting the safety of its 2.7 million residents, as well as millions of annual visitors. Providing secure, high-resolution products and data storage solutions is VIEVU's top priority as we remain committed to equipping the lawe nforcement community with the highest quality device
Miami Police Department has been using body-worn cameras in the training academy since 2012.
Seventy-nine people were killed by police gunfire.
41% of the people who died did not have any weapon on them what so ever.
Police officers were charged in less than 2% of the cases
109 people died in the sate of Maryland in 2014 due to police encounters
Maryland as having the 6th highest number of homicides by police out of 39 states reporting
Go into each county death
3.Impacts with body cameras
Bad to counter acts
Maintenance and upkeep of the equipment
Deal made in Rialto that make getting the cameras and upgrading very cheep.
Body worn cameras weigh down the cop even more than they already are with all the equipment like escape hoods, Mace, flashlights, memo books, ASPs, radio, handcuffs
Average weight is about 2 pounds
Policy that needs to be implaced
Show how in Rialto there is a policy that works for both the cops and people
Both groups need to be involved
Selection of technology vendor
Best deal and minimum quality must be established in order to make this possible.
Elements of officer training
Training would require a three hour course
Data storage and management
counter with cloud based storage
Video download procedures
Cloud based storage
Redaction of video /determine if the video is needed
In Wichita Kansas, a police force is selling their helicopter in order to fund their body camera program. This would be the equivalent of 6.4 million dollars and two people dedicated to managing the storage.
In Berkeley, California, the head police officer stated in a memo in January that the likely costs of $45,000 a year for storing data from 150 cameras is need as well as assigning one or two employees.
Preparation of video for prosecution
Have people asigned
The cost would be from $800 to $1,000 for the TASER AXON and VIEVU models
Baltimore 2.6 million
Deals between police department and the body camera manufactures run between $20 and $100 per officer per month, depending on the volume generated.
specific example
One police force, in Minnesota initially received 84 cameras and charging bays for less than $5,000 from camera maker Taser International, but its three-year contract and licensing agreement for data storage cost about $78,000.
Show how data is improving again
Officers will lose free will
Officers have the choice in louisville that can be expanded upon and can turn off camera in patrol car and bathrooms.
They only have to record while on duty and can only be turned off when the person is entering a bathroom on tape
Cop interview says this makes the cops more keen on their jobs done right
Big Brother "first steps"
Are we all being montitored in our daily lives and will assumptions be called actual crimes
No of course not oes against the constitution of a fair trail by jury so this argument is completely invalid.
Good things
The cameras did not have a significant impact on whether or not officers gave verbal warnings to citizens.
In San Diego 49% physical conduct was down with officers wearing full body cameras
Officers who did not wear body cameras made more arrests than officers who wore the video cameras. Officers who did not wear cameras performed 9.8% more Body searches and made 6.9% more arrests
Officers assigned to wear cameras issued 23.1% more citations for ordinance violations than those who did not wear cameras.
Officers wearing cameras were 25.2% more likely to perceive the devices as being helpful during their interactions with the public.
Officers with body cameras had 13.5% more interactions with citizens than those who did not wear them
Use of body worn cameras reduced use-of-force incidents by 59 %
Use of worn cameras reduced citizens’ complaints by 87.5 %
The system automatically uploaded all of the officers' videos at the end of their shifts and a research team was granted full access to the data.
The Body camera software tracked and inventoried all evidence captured by the body cams.
Policies that are going to be implicated
ACLU do not want the police to edit the footage on the site so nothing can be tampered with.
ACLU Want the entire shift to be recorded.
ACLU knows that these requirements are impossible because the police officers have a personal life and they need to go to the restroom.
Teaching tool
Can be used to show scenarios to future cops and teach them the right thing to do in each situation
4.Make a connection between the good and bad things to demonstrate that the good outweighs the bad
Point out taht all negatives can be countered
Technology improving
Better responses from police
More people are aware of actions
Cost is high but people feel safer around cops
Point out all the good in each city and place
Cities reported that complaints were down 85%
Court cases were closed faster
Everyones data is safe and secure
Point out the issue that this will not work if both the people and the police work together on the program.
5.Other suggestions to make cameras feel safe and okay to use in public
Officers notify that the person is being recorded
People marked are the only ones that can have BWC.
They should not be used to gain information on others
All police encounters should be uploaded or emailed to a person.
The video should be saved until it has served its purpose
All data should be saved and any data released should be a federal offense.
6.Conclusion: Body Cameras are a positive development in the security of society because they help us treat cops and each other with more respect. The use of force has gone down drastically, and technology is improving at such a rate that storage will not be a problem by 2024. Another reason body cameras are a good thing is they allow us to close cases faster and with more definite evidence. However, nothing comes without consequences and the minute problems are the privacy of cops and tax increases. While many people may think a tax increase is a horrible thing, I think it will bring about a greater social change. But all groups must want to be apart and more aware of the benefits we will get from these cameras. And from these, we will get the safety and security promised to the people when they were born.
2.5 Kathy Ralston Interview
Talk about how she feels safer going to work
Doesn't change her work routine because she is not a corrupt or crooked cop
She can turn it off in the bathroom before entering
Says that entire police force is on board and they all like the benefits of having them
No time spent in court cases
Feel liek they are doing their job better
Get a bonus for acting on the book
Likes how the camera is light and small
Explain two conditions where she can turn off camera