-4km2 of pine forest downwind of the reactor turned ginger brown and died.
-Horses and cattle near the plant died from damage to their thyroid glands.
-Lynx, eagle owl, wild boar and other wildlife subsequently started to thrive in a zone around Chernobyl from which humans were excluded.
-Bioaccumulation caused high levels of radioactive caesium in fish as far away as Scandinavia and Germany and consumption of lamb contaminated with radioactive caesium was banned for some time as far away as Wales.
-Concentrations of radioactive iodine in the environment rose and resulted in drinking water and milk with unacceptably high levels.
-More than 6,000 cases of thyroid cancer have been reported that can be attributed to radioactive iodine released during the accident.
-According to the report ''Chernobyl's Legacy Health, Environmental and Socio-Economic Impacts'', produced by the Chernobyl Forum, there is no clearly demonstrated increase in solid cancers or leukemia due to radiation is the most affected populations.