American Revolution/ Guns For General Washington

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He died October,8,1793

John Hancock was a statesman and was a patriot

Dorothy Quincy was his wife

Children: Lydia Hancock and John George Washington Hancock

John Hancock was a Patriot

John Hancock was 2nd president of the contiental congress

He also signed the declaration of independence

He was born January ,23,1737

Hancock was one of Bostons leaders during the revolutionary war

Advantages of Patriots

Treaty of Paris

Cause of Revolution

Important Events

Britain agree´s to remove troops

Which they did not

Americans would not punish loyalists

America would pay debt for war

Set new boundaries with our new land

Recognized as a free and independent Country

knew the ways of the British

Fun Fact: John Hancock was not her only husband

Unfair Treatment

Extreme taxes

No rights

Ex. Tea tax, Stamp Tax

Boston Tea Party

Bloody Massacre

Lexington & Concord

Battle of Bunker Hill

Had a bigger Army

Knew the land

They had a reason to fight for

The king was treating them like a slave