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B603-Ethics;Religion and medical Ethics ((Key texts: Genesis 1:26-27 - God…
B603-Ethics;Religion and medical Ethics
Key words
Sanctity of life
: the belief that there is something special or holy about life.,
: the non-physical part of a person which may go to heaven when the person dies.
Key texts
Genesis 1:26-27
- God made humans in his own image,
Genesis 2:7
- God gives Adam the 'breathe of life'.,
Exodus 20:13
- 'Do not murder',
Job 1:21
- God is responsible for the giving and taking of life.,
1 Corinthians 3:16-17
- 'the body is a temple of the holy Spirt'.
Attitudes to abortion
: An abortion is when a foetus is expelled from its mother's uterus before the pregnancy reaches 'full term' (usually 40 weeks). Sometimes this happens naturally and is called a 'miscarriage', or a 'spontaneous abortion'. However, 'abortion' usually means 'procured abortion' when the foetus is removed deliberately. Most Christians believe that procured abortion is wrong but some would permit it in certain circumstances.
Key words
: the deliberate expulsion of the foetus from the uterus. Sometimes called a 'procured' or 'direct' abortion.,
Doctrine of double effect
: if doing something morally good has a morally bad consequence, it is right to do it providing the bad consequence was not intended.,
Ectopic pregnancy
: when a foetus starts to grow in Fallopian tube rather than the womb.,
: when a baby is aborted through natural causes.
Key texts
Exodus 20:13
- 'Do not murder'.,
Psalm 139:13-16
- God creates people in the womb.,
Luke 1:41
- when Mary goes to meet Elizabeth, who is pregnant, the baby moves in Elizabeth's womb and she is filled with the Holy Spirit, showing the sanctity of life.
Christians attitudes to suicide
: Most Christians believe that it is wrong for a person to commit suicide, although they recognise that these people may have gone beyond the stage where they are able to make rational decision.
Key text
Exodus 20:13
- 'Do not murder'.,
Ecclesiastes 3:1-3a
- There is a time to live and a time to die.,
Matthew 25:31-46
- the Parable of the Sheep and Goats teaches how people should treat others.,
1 Corinthians 6:19-20
- 'the body is a temple of the Holy Spirit'.
Key person
Chad Varah
(1911-2007) - a vicar who began the first telephone help-line which later grew into the Samaritans.
Key words
: an act which goes against God's wishes.,
: physical, mental or spiritual pain.
Sanctity of life
: Christians often say that they believe in the 'sanctity of life'. They mean that they believe there is something special and holy about human life
Christians attitudes to euthanasia
: The word euthanasia comes from two Greek words: 'eu', meaning good, and 'thanatos', meaning death. Literally, it means 'a good death'. There are different Christians attitudes and beliefs on what constitutes a 'good death' and whether or not the quality of life is more important than the sanctity of life.
Key Words
: a gentle or easy death; helping someone to die.,
: a place where terminally-ill patients are cared for.,
Palliative care
: care given to a terminally-ill patient to help them die in as much comfort as possible.
Christians attitudes to fertility treatment
: Fertility treatment is used when people want children but are unable to conceive naturally. Usually, this is because of some kind of medical problem. However, there are different Christian attitudes to fertility treatment.
Key texts
Genesis 1:26-27
- God made humans in his own image.,
1 Samuel 1:5
- God will not allow Hannah to have a baby until he decides it is the right time
Key Person
- Old Testament figure who could not have children for many years because God had 'closed her womb'.
Key words
: artificial insemination by donor.,
: artificial insemination by husband.,
IVF (in virto fertilisation)
: when a sperm and an egg are put together in a tube until an embryo is formed which is then transferred into a women's womb.
Christian attitudes to cloning
: Cloning creates a genetically identical animal or plant from another. The most famous example of a cloned animal was Dolly the sheep (1997-2003). Plants are often cloned; when someone takes a cutting and grows another plant from it, they are producing a clone. Human identical twins are also clones of each other.
Key words
: the making of a replica.,
*Reproductive cloning
: cloning which creates offspring.,
Stem cells
: single cells which have the potential to be 'reprogramed' to develop into any type of cell in the body.,
Therapeutic cloning
: a medical procedure where single cells are taken from a person or embryo and 'reprogramed' to create stem cells which can be used in medical treatment.
Christians beliefs about the use of animals in medical research
: Many Christians would follow their individual consciences as to whether or not animals should be used in medical research. However, most Christians recognise that animals are part of God's creation and should be treated with care and not be heart unnecessarily.
Key text
Genesis 1:28
- Adam is told to rule the Earth.,
Genesis 2:15
- Adam is told to 'take care of' the Earth.,
Acts 10:10-15
- Peter's vision which told Peter to kill and at animals.
Key people
- the first human being who was given the task of stewardship of the earth and dominion over it.,
St Peter
- had a vision of a sheet of food full of animals descending from heaven.,
St Francis of Assisi (1181- 1226)
- believed that animals had souls.
Key words
: authority or rule.,
Medical research
: scientific experiments carried out to help cure disease.,
: looking after something or someone else.
Key person
Cicely Saunders (1918-2005)
- founded the first modern hospice, St Christopher's in London, in 1967.