A Sociolinguistic Study
of Shifting Formalities. In Hungarian Urban Discourse
Erika Sólyom

Globalization unifies the world in linguistic way as well

after Wall Break, eat Europeans showed a great interest to English


Observation of interactions in two hungarian companies

Angelus and Tardoz (1995): "binary system of address is representation of binary relationship in society"

There are 6 lexical items to indicate formality/informality in Hungarian.

The hypothesis: Changes in language formality are influenced by globalization and democratic [changes].

Research on formality in workin place. Angelusz, Róbert and Róbert Tardos. 1995. Megszólítások egy átalakuló világban.

found out: in 1980 big spread of nicknames ---> tendency to informality

happend in hungarian (personal exparience of the suthor

happend in China. A study of Zhang (2001)

happened in Russian (Krouglov, 1996)

hypothesis is that I would find more formal
language used with clients at a place where
there exist residues of the former traditional
socio-political structure and, less formality
at a place where there are newer forms of
democratic structure and ideology.

socilinguistic interview

Pro-drop language ❗ - language where you can do without pronouns

preliminary results show that people notice changes in formaity

reasons for that shifts that respondents mentioned are:

Fast food culture

Power og young people


lacking manners/education


influence of foreign languages

economical and politics changes