Definittion and explanations of crime


any act whichwhich breaks the formal rules of society (law)


any act which breaks the informal rules of society and moves away from norms and values

eg burping farting

controlled by police court and army

social construction

societies create norms and laws according to their beliefs

they are not universal and vary from 1 society to the next


behaviour can only be judged according to norms of a particular society

sojoux warriors

deviance changes it can’t relation to time, place .

shouting in library and football game
drinking at 10am and 10pm
subcultures ie gangs and bikers

What one determinism dangerous be culturally specific. society may see as a and prefer to normalise This means crime and deviance crime another may crime by reminding us is socially constructed i.e. not, such as polygamythat we all commit crime created and defined by the (many wives). Other and there are social people of that society and not examples are factors which influence universal. homosexuality and our behaviour. suicide

csn br dangerous approach


Biological explanations


Durkeim 's approach Normative

society is concensual and every society share a common set of values (collective conscience)

main aim of sociologist is why people act in deviant manner

relativistic approach

basis of society is diversityof values

societies are too complex for there to be a complete set of valuesThere are different set of values that coexistand are constantly in a state of change

societie values are a form of a dynamic process through which some values become adopted by the society

marxist approach (conflict approach

values of society are mostly dominated and reflect the interests of the ruling class

physical makeup of criminals is different from normal people

deviance bring positive functions as brings societies together eg 9/11 patriotism surged

this could be considered as deviant as such patriotism was outside the norm.