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RxJS (Observables) (Basic Operators (Scan, mergemap, filter(json =>…
RxJS (Observables)
.scan(accumulator, value)
//like array.reduce
.merge(stream1$, stream2$)
//merges streams, first come first serve
.takeWhile(acc, value)
//returns true or fales
.concat(stream1$, stream2$)
//like merge but stream1$ gets processed, then stream2$ gets processed.
Observable.fromEvent(document, "mouseMove")
Observable.defer(()=>{return observable})
//observable will not execute any code until subscribed, i.e. creates lazy loading of promises, etc.
Key Concepts
When an observable hits error() or complete(), it will end. To stop this from ending, use mergeMap or switchMap to create an inner obersvable and catch the error.
Work Backwards - What stream do I need, what streams are required to create the stream.
value=> console.log(value),
error => console.log(error),
()=> console.log('complete');
class myObject implements Observer{
next(value) { function}
error(e) {function}
complete(){ function}
data$.subscribe(new myObject);
Angular2 Specific
can either stream$.subscribe or {{let item of stream|async}}
Also, to prevent a null value before a stream has content, use {{stream$?.whatever}}
Error Handling
Throw new error != observable.throw(new Error)
first is run time error, the second is observable error which is passed to the subscribe error handler
Obsevable.from().catch(e => fn(return item))
//catches error, returns item in place of error
//this will stop the observable stream after error is caught
Angular 2 specifc
//each time this is called, it sets up a new subscription
to keep all the stream$ as one susbscription, use observable.share() at the end (warning: takes resources, so don't overuse)
pipe async
pro: no subscription mgmt
pro: automatic unsubscription on unmount
cons: encourages overuse of multicasting (i.e. .share())