Napoleon's Life
General Bonapart
Empire at greatest - 1807
The Pninsular War - 1808
The Peninsular War - 1808
Had most of Europe - 1812
Invaded Russia - 1812
The Return of Bonapart
He gives up his throne - 1814
Escapes to Elba and becomes the Emperor of France again - 1815
Napoleon dies in St. Helena of Cancer
Napoleon as General
The Reign of Terror is over - 1793
Peace with Prussia and Spain and New Republic - 1795
No kings, 500 councils, council of elders - New Republic
They were not part of the directory and wanted the king back - Uprising of Royalists
When Napoleon defended the revolutionary government - 13th Vendemiaire
Treaty of Campo Formy, France made Peace with Austria - 1797
Attacks Egipt, took all his troops - 1798
Britain, attack the friendship in Egypt, so he could not come back to France
Flees, left his army to die by the Ottomans - 1799
Napoleon is back to France - 1799
Napoleons destoys legislative
Consul Bonapart
Britain, Austria and Russia joined to take Napoleon from power - 1799
New Constitution was voted - 1800
Napoleon restored production of sugar - 1801
Napoleon restored order in France - 1802
Great Britain declared war on France - 1803
Napoleon sold Luisiana to U.S.A. - 1804
Napoleon declares himself as Emperor of France - 1804
General Bonapart
Napoleon started to add land to his empire - 1805
Formaliza of Russia, Austria and Sweeden against France, but he won and forced other nation to sign Peace Treaty
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