Identity is something that is very personalized and unique to yourself and who you are. In class we created an identity Wordle and I put the words " female, 15, blue, green, black, athletic, music, soccer, rocky, coco, milo, ziggy, drake, brother, sister, mom, dad, family & friends". I used these words because I personally can connect to these words a lot and i believe that these words, among others, define who I am as a person. These words define part of my identity. This is a personalized list of words that would differ from someone else in the class because this is my identity, and everyone else has their own identity that is unique and rare.
The Bear That Wasn't This youtube video is about a bear whose cave was destroyed and turned into a factory. The workers saw the bear and wouldn't believe him that he was a bear. The workers thought that he was just a silly man who needed a shave and wore a fur coat. The bear knew that he was a bear and was getting very confused as to of why the workers wouldn't believe him. The bear knew his true identity because it was who he has been all of his life and no matter what the workers said he knew deep down who he was.