Designing a Bias-Free Organization

Iris Bohnet proclaims that diversity training is a waste of time and companies should redesign processes to prevent bias in the first place

Q1: Orgs work on improving diversity and equality, but fall short. Are they doing things wrong, not trying hard enough, or both?

Answer: Orgs are wasting money bc most don't MEASURE results. Evaluate and document impact. Run A/B tests in HR, similar to marketing efforts

Q2: What does a diversity evaluation look like?

Answer: Improving a person's inclination to be inclusive is hard. Offer a training to a randomly selected group and compare behaviors to a control group

Q3: What does behavioral science tell us about what to do, aside from measuring success?

Answer: It's hard to eliminate bias, but there are ways to design orgs to ensure biased minds "get things right." Ex: blind auditions as behavioral design.

Q4: Behavioral Design works! Hooray?!

Answer: Yes. We need to see counterstereotypical examples in order to change minds

Q5: What are examples of good behavioral design in orgs?

Answer: Software such as Applied, GapJumpers, and Unitive to blind applicant demographic info. Also, use structured interviews.

Q6: What about once you've hired someone? How do you design around managers' biases then?

Answer: Take instinct out of the equation whenever possible. Measure performance based on ACCURATE data

Q7: But it's probably not possible to just eliminate all managerial activities that allow biased thinking, right?

Answer: Right. But ensure assumptions on gender-neutral practices are actually that.

Q8: How can firms get started?

Answer: Collect data. Study data. Don't be afraid to reach to outside consultants with expertise in analysis

Q9: You argue that it's often a waste of time to try to debias ppl-but hanging portraits of women seems like a strategy to actually change individuals perceptions.

Answer: Not arguing against a shift in mindset. For beliefs to change, experiences need to change.

Q10: Men may resist org change favoring women bc they view gender equality as zero sum-if women win, men lose. How then do you enlist men as agents of change?

Answer: Partly about helping them to see the benefits of equality. Also, continued awareness.