Health Promotion/Prevention
Teach Patient modes of transmission and ways to reduce exposure
-Sexual,parenteral, Perinatal
Home Care Management
-Assess pt status and ability to perform ADLs
-Home care may be needed for help with ADLs for patients who are weak, debility, or limited function
-Nursing care, drug and nutritional support for severely or terminally ill pts
-assess resources
-Teach Preventive behaviors (guidelines for safer sex, no sharing toothbrushes, razors, or other potentially blood contaminated items)
-Teach caregivers infection control precautions to prevent transmission
-Teach pt, family and friends how to protect patient from infection
-Self Care strategies-good hygiene, balanced rest and exercise, mouth care, skin care and safe administration of meds
-avoid large crowds and traveling to countries with poor sanitation
Psychosocial Preparation
-Help identify problems and coping strategies for difficult situations
-Encourage patient to continue as many usual activities as possible
-Stress the importance of sharing diagnosis with sexual partner and care providers