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English (Poems (Links (Relationships, Time - passage of time / things…
Some Old Photographs
Key Quotes
Simile - Is being compared to a scene which triggers memory of sense experience. This helps the reader to look back in time.
Nostalgia - She is thinking about Glasgow in a more positive way rather than the experience actually was. All of us do this. Dark storm clouds is a contrast. It would be negative but its presented in an alluring way which creates a sense of drama.
Metaphor - Injects humour, unglamorous plastic head covering described as a humorous image. Favourable nostalgia, past is show in a positive light.
Word Choice - Positive word choice, mentioning specific place. Alliteration (ff)
Personification - More realistic image. Lack of personal influence, its simply real.
Edwin Morgan reference, Lockheads inspirations.
Optimistic, looking back but don't know what is coming next.
The Bargain
Key Quotes
looking back, looking forward, don't know which way
Both swore of relationship situation at a critical moment but unable to feel energy to restart it. Never fix things.
Literal Meaning - River Clyde and the river of football fans Metaphorical Meaning - They are at a crossroad in their relationship.
No romanticising Glasgow. She loves the city even though there in conflict and division. There relationship reflecting their surroundings.
Balanced structure and Caesura - Reflecting contrast. Relationship is in the balance. Persona is lost and confused in her relationship. Lack of grammatical sense and enjambment.
Unpredictable, tense atmosphere. Reflected from the speakers relationship. Not sure what is going to happen, always on edge.
My Rivals House
Key Quotes
Deferential, daughterly, I sip
fight tooth and nail, fight to the death altered. idiom. Women fighting for the son.
caped tooth, polished nail / will fight, fight foul for her survival
Mother in laws persona is posh, important, in charge, dangerous
Treated like children trying not to get into trouble. Rival more concerned about her house than the people.
we take out shoes off at her door/ shuffle, stocking - soled tip-toe
Word choice - stiff uncomfortable/ not pleasant, into the atmosphere felt by the speaker.
Last supper
Key Quotes
Alliteration. Sets mood - dark and sinister. Biblical language 'renounce' she will turn her back on him forever.
Oxymoronic. Exposes the hypocrisy of woman. Not only do they expect men to be unfaithful but use betrayal to make them feel superior. Brutal not compassionate.
Pun. Mixing leftovers to make a hash, she will feats on details with her friends later and re-live it all
Irony. Associated with love and romance but it is irony as she has created the image of a romantic dinner for two when it is the complete opposite.
Alliteration / Simile. Sausages are tasty but ultimately are unhealthy just like the damage going on in the relationship.
Metaphor / assonance. Conveys that is a feast that is to enjoyed slowly, picking every bit of flesh off the bone as her and her friends discuss every detail.
Close Reading
Sentence Structure
Pair of brackets, commas or dashes are used to separate off extra information and if you removed the information, the rest of the sentence could still make sense.
Question, statement, exclamation, command.
Single items separated by commas or phrases separated by semicolons. They usually emphasise quality.
Colons - Introductory purpose, they introduce explanations, expansions or lists.
Semicolons - separate contrasting sentences, separate sentences which are closes linked and separate phrases in a list.
Ellipsis - cliff-hanger, at the end of an endless list, hesitancy
Answering Questions
Write down the meaning of a word; Quote the words or expressions from the text that helped you to understand the meaning; Explain how the meaning of the quotes words or expressions helped you to work it out
Quote from the link sentence which refers to the ideas in the previous passage; An understanding of the idea in the previous paragraph; Quote from linking sentence which refers to the idea in the next paragraph; Am understanding of the idea in the next paragraph.
Sound words (crash, bang, wallop)
Repetiton of 's' (hissing, slithering, slimy snake)
A Streetcar Named Desire
Key Quotes
Scene 7
Blanche singing in the bathroom. Shows her growing instability as it is symbolic of her fantasy world (Also symbolic towards the conversation Stanley and Stella are having at the time, he wants Stella to believe him.)
I've got to be good and keep my hands off children A seventeen-year-old boy – She’d gotten mixed up with!
She kisses the small boy. Since her husband was young when they were married she desires younger men. Suggests s problem with her teaching Job.
Reiterates Blanches mental instability. Stanley is breaking her, se is no match for him.
Stanley relishes in exposing Blanche to Stella. He thinks that he is winning. Evokes pathos towards Blanche.
Stanley is faking a moral high ground, He is trying to make out that he is doing the right thing when he isn't, he is doing it for personal gain.
Blanche has nothing left in Loral. Him trying to send her back is extremely nasty especially by bus which isn't a way she would like to travel. By sending her back he is sending her back to her place of failure.
Scene 3
Stella hasn't been so well lately, and I came down to help her for a while
This is Mitch talking about his mother, it shows a more sensitive and caring side to him. This portrays him to be different to the other men, for Stanley has no tolerance for emotion.
She says go out, so I go out, but I don't enjoy it. All the while I keep wondering how she is
Stanley, again, asserting his dominance. He is telling Stella that he will do as he pleases and that she cannot boss him around.
they are men at the peak of their physical manhood, as coarse and direct and powerful as the primary colours
Shows Blanche's sudden interest in Mitch. The second quote dehumanises Mitch, mikes it seem impersonal. Makes it clear that she is desperate for a man.
Blanche is desperate for attention. Standing in front of the curtain that will be close to transparent. It is clear that she knows this but wants to attract attention. She will not let them see her fully so she is being deliberately seductive.
Mitch takes control of the situation. This shows that he can be dominant when it is needed but also has his sensitive side. At this point in the play we can see domestic abuse between Stanley and Stella. This is where we begin to see Stanley in a bad light which later allows us to sympathise towards blanche.
This is when mitch is trying to dance with Blanche. This shows the class divide. She is flirting with Mitch at this point. This creates a rough and large sized character of mitch.
Scene 11
Key Quotes
She is hiding in her safe place so that she is away from Stanley. When she was hiding in the bathroom before she was coming out refreshed and was flaunting herself. Now, she is shy and hesitant which shows how much Stanley has really affected her. He has broken her.
This suggests that Stella knows the truth but chooses not to believe it. It shows how much women rely on men. She needs him. She has to believe Stanley's story or he would kick her out and she would be left with nothing.
Beforehand Blanche was trying to wash away the stains of her past whereas, now she is trying to wash away Stanley's violation.
Her red robe from before symbolised romance and seduction. In reality her tragic desire for sex has led to her downfall.
Stella is vulnerable and in a state of grief. Instead of comforting her Stanley takes advantage of that. This shows his lack of sensitivity.
Blanche is imagining some chivalrous man who will look after her. She is still hoping for a better life for herself.
The significance of a minor character saying the last line is that it shows that they carry on with life like nothing has happened. It confirms that any man has dominance and that it is a man's world. It is a more modern card game which shows how the world is changing and how the new Americans are taking over. Life will continue regardless.
Major quote. Shows that blanche is more inclined to trust a stranger than her own family. Also creates sympathy. When talking about strangers she is probably meaning the men she was sleeping with for safety but they were never really kind to her - they were using her. Blanche thought they were being kind and so forth relied on them. She is now relying on a doctor who she believe to be a kind gentlemen but is not and is lying to her. In reality she is being lied to and she has completely fallen for it.
Scene 10
Blanche s trying to dress up like Cinderella or like a bride, although crumpled and scuffed suggest it is more like a broken fairy-tale. She is still trying to keep this illusion alive but is failing drastically.
She is desperately trying to keep the lies going, this evokes pathos in the reader. She is frightened that she wont be able to hold up the fairy tale image.
Deliberate cruelty is not forgivable. It is the one unforgivable thing in my opinion and it is the thing of which I have never, never been guilty.
Blanche never meant to hurt anyone, her lies were only to hide a harsh reality. She was trying to avoid her own downfall
Through the back wall of the rooms, which have become transparent
Symbolises the harsh reality of the real world is not shining in and ruining the illusion that she has created. The more the illusion fades, the more transparent the walls become.
Up till this point alcohol has been her escape, this symbolises that she can no longer hide from reality and has no escape anymore
He is wearing something sacred like the pyjamas from his wedding night to rape his sister in law. Shows how vile and disgusting he is.