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Interview Themes (Accommodation (Philip - general challenges, Pakistani A …
Interview Themes
Philip - general challenges
Pakistani A - lucky lives with brother
tony - can be a delay in getting housing - no HO incentive to give
4 and 5 - Tony Openshawe - often not appropriat to have LGBT in homeless sheleters and support of friends VITAL
once got asylum have 28 days TONY
Lily - 15-40% LGBT people in shelter
Lily - causes of homelessness
Lily - homelessness issues - religious centres are not good at this
Good exampl of accommodation issues
JP - challenges after detention
ET - housing is mainly from friends
Detention specific
6 - SR
SR - 17
Mental Health Support
Chaka - mental health support weak
Lasting impact
Chaka - lasting impact
Trauma is huge!
Detention support
Tony - 14.
Aderonke - something they are working on
JP 11 - suggests outreach in detention centres
JP 12 - hard hitting detention
JP. 16 - coming out early/in detention really difficult
24 JP - outreach in detention centres
Hen outreach in detention centres
Hen - hard hitting on detention!
Hen too - homophobia in detention
hen - detention made to work - discrimination because of friends
Story of how we got involved
Paul Martin
Paul Martin 1, 2 and 3
Role of Charities crucial/Excellent work being done crucial
Chaka - charities so important
LGBT asylum needs specific treatment due to its complexity - SR 3 also SR 7
extent of need is never ending - SR
SR 20 - extent of need massive
CT need for LGBT specific support
Horiffic stories
Necklacing - SR 11
SR 12... continued
JP - potential hard hitting
ET - violence
'LGBT language does not necesarily tranlsate - SR 18
SC - 5
Lily 4
JP - 8 - proving you are gay is incredibly challenging as on the run
Hen - culture of disbelief/ also very intelligent individuals 4 too
Aderonke - long process, 14 years!
ET - long process
Gino - another example
ET - story of someone being sent home and getting killed
Quantifying Populaiton
Paul Martin - Increase in need
Philip J
Philip - we're not reaching everyone
Tony - think if not reaching them mostly cultural barriers/afraid of coming out/don't know what gay community means
Lily - quantifying - not all claiming on LGBT status
JP - definitley people we're not reaching
Hen - not reaching everyone
Approach to work
Participant lead
Pakistani A
SR 4 - user led
SR 10
15 - SR - collective dm more common, can influence leadership in this space
"you create the vacuum, you create the space for people to shine" - SR 19
SR 25 step back approach - difficult but critical
Aderonke - can use technology to get round distances...?
10 - participant led -Aderonke
Francesca Stella
ET 13 - good example of how LISG do this
Partnership with other organisation
Francesca Stella
Philip - keen to work with LGBT Foundation
tony - ASHA works with a number of orgs
Tony- there is always a need for more.
Tony - UKGLIG very london centric
SR - organisations giving advice are doing very different things
9 - Aderonke - keen to grow, appetite for partnership
Aderonke - really in favour partnership work!!!
Skills/re-thinking approach
Paul Martin - they have skills
Paul Martin - professional backgrounds
Paul martin
Support vital to wellbeing
LGBT Foundation great!
SR 14 - menu approach
Less legal?
Pakistani B - First wednesday is legally focussed
SR - 1 - they were concerned their work was too academic
But steady pace - SR 24
Family isolation
Family isolation
Pakistan A - Family violence/ Extreme example from brother
Pakistan A - forced marriage
Religious community
Pakistani A
Pakistani A
During religious celebrations - GINO 4
dispersal/Tony 9 -transport costs
JP - isolation
JP. more than four years!! 10
General - Tony 21
JP - 2 - not knowing Enlgish highly isolating
Hen - hard hitting quote about isolation
Philip - negative experience can drift away
Tony 18 - recommends providing social space/social support
Community Champions - SR 5
SR 8
Training for lawyers - SR 23
gino - training HO?
Mental health/keep busy
Hen - sports/dancing/alternative social support groups
also with food
Hen - wants more support
Gino - supports monthly events
Legal Support
Philip - cannot give legal advice - challenge/risk
Poor legal advice
Pakistan A - lawyer said don't tell them you're gay
Pakistan A - Coming out to lawyer difficult
Pakistani B - 10 - coming out to GP difficult
Interpreter - Pakistani A
SR 21 - not good legal support
SR 16 - cannot give legal advice
SC 1 - cannot give advice/unlawful
SC 3 - unaware that often can get support - then get ripped off
SC 6 - good support can help individuals considerably when it comes to their case
Mental Health
Pakistan B - depression
Hard hitting Pakistani B
Pakistani B
JP 13 - mental health
Pakistani A - Poor mental health
ET - good quote
Personal Limited Resources
Dr Francesca Stella
Pakistani A - food and travel
Pakistani A - hard hitting, living without food.
ET - saying that she has no resources, humiliating
Tony 16 - outlines how he thinks financial support we could help with ...
SR 27 - supports idea of a Refugee Action Panel
Aderonke - use influencing groups already working in space
Aderonke - they have influencing foothold
Approach - hard and soft
Aderonke - Campaigning/Jimmy's story/good example of coming together
Hen - supports idea of panel
SC 2 - we should be signposting
Paul Martin - need a vehicle to change attitudes in LGBT Community
ET. 14 - really good support for panel idea
Gino - foodbank/bear essentials
Longer term influencing
Philip - talks about taking on more campaigning role
Philip - danger with individuals campaign work
Campaign - add our voices to a coalition
Tony - effective campaigning
Aderonke - SOGI expert - high level!
JP - support influencing role - make people aware when arrive about LGBT community
Deportation - slaves! Hen
LGBT Community support
Tony 15 - hostility in NW community
The question of fake refugees/Asylum seekers? Tony 17
CT - believes it is true
Example of effective campaign - Tony 20
SR 22 - hostility in NW
SC - 4 - general support
CT support for this idea
Tony - 8 - you don't meet lazy asylum seekers, they want to work hard.
Anti-asylum attitudes in NW
From community
Paul Martin
Pakistan A - coming out to community restricts access to services
JP coming out to community can be very scary
Hard hitting family persecution 5. Hen
Community discrimination CT
From other refugees
Francesca Stella
CT - didn't feel comfortable
from LGBT Community
Pakistan A - 16. G-A-Y discrimination
Pakistani B - 11
Haven't experienced discrimination JP
Hen - sometimes GAY
Gino - asylum ID cards
Paul Martin - swedish classes
Paul Martin - link to food.
Pakistani A - food important
Pakistani A
Pakistani B
Philip - British Culture seems to support
SR 19 - trans gay ages to work out differenece between lesbian and trans
Aderonke - focus too much on legal process? What about after this?
19 - 20 Robert says good idea
Cultural differences - 21 - looking into people's eyes!
Hen - LGBT culture too!
Sewing class - own culture a bit as well
British culture class - Gino - 10
Paul Martin
Chaka - Language/homophobic interpreters
Pakistani A - learn English
Pakistani B - limits access to gay community
Pakistani B - language - feel safe speaking at the LGBT Foundaiton
Tony supports 19
SR 26 - Langauge cafe in ed?
17, Supports language class JP
Yes supports language class + reasons why
Hen on English classes
Pakistani A - importance of volunteering
importance of volunteering GINO
Language class good idea - Gino
ET - importance of english classess
23) JP finding a job after getting status
Training classes Hen
Philip - gaining trust can be challenging/damaged individuals
Chaka - English language/also engaged individuals
Chaka - methodology/hard to reach
Sexual Exploitation
Francesca Stella
Tony - 22 - maybe happening, likely with all power imbalances
From home Country
Trauma from background
Pakistan A - as a child/child abuse/gay curer therapy
Pakistani A - sexual violence
Pakistani B - really hard hitting comment - "they started beating us, they nearly killed us"
JP - police come to your house
Hen 1
Gino 2
From detention
Context changing
Legal Context
Philip - 7 - getting worse
Political context
Philip -whole system getting worse increasing pressure
Organisations under stress
SR 9 - burnout
SR 10
Aderonke - want to grow but limited
Aderonke - we are already providing a vital safe space
JP. 6 - providing safe space