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Sotierology Zachary Godbey (What is the gospel? (2. Foundational…
Sotierology Zachary Godbey
What the issues in sotierology?
D. Biblical terms explaining our salvation
E. How does a believer live in Gods grace
II. What does a person need to know in order to be saved.
B. It is important to distinguish two important aspects: the Gospel and foundational information
1. The Gospel message [1 Corinthians 15:1-7]
a. Jesus Christ died for our sins
b. Jesus was buried
c. Jesus was resurrected
d. Jesus spoke to the 5000
e. The Gospel message is about a person!
A. Why is this important
1. Teaching the wrong Gospel has terrible consequences [Galatians 1:6-9]
2. An innocent Gospel will give people a false hope of salvation
3. A correct understanding of the Gospel is a crucial foundation for our walk with the Lord [Colossians 2:6]
B. What does a person need to be saved
6. Illustrations of faith
a. Sitting in the chair
b. Asking for someone to move a desk for you
C. What faith is not
1. Faith is not something supernatural given to us by God
2. Faith is a not a work
a. Illus: a bank withdraw slip*
b. Although exercising our faith in Jesus is good it is not a good work
c. Roman 4:5 faith is not a work
a. This is like being in a club; the in Christ
I. What is true of a person when they saved?
A. The salvation diamond
1. Just like a diamond has many facets so a persons salvation has many aspects to describe it
2. The new testament uses several different terms to describe different aspects of our salvation
3. Words to discuss
a. Justification
b. Adoption
c. Redemption
d. Sanctification
e. Union with Christ
a. Everyone uses their faith every day
b. The object of peoples faith is what is the problem
3. There are two aspects of our sanctification
a. Both are found in Jesus High Priestly prayer**
b. Our indentification with Jesus-we are in the in Christ club
F. The first aspect of Sanctification: indentification with Jesus
1. All those who have believed the Gospel are identified with Christ
1. The definition of sanctification a process where we work with God to live according to the Spirit and to have our behavior become more Christ like
2. Sanctification is viewed from three different phases:
a. Past- We are viewed as sanctified
b. Present- We are viewed as in process of being sanctified
c. Future- We hope for a future complete sanctification
C. Can a person lose their salvation
B. Scripture tells us one condition: exercise faith, but what is faith?
1. The Greek verb is pistueo- to believe, to trust to rely on
2. It is used almost 100x in just the gospel of John in relation to salvation
3. The definition of faith demands an object
a. To believe, trust, rely on what or whom
b. Faith that is valuable before God is faith in the person of God and his Word
c. Faith that is worthless or invaluable has as its object something other than God or his word.
B. First facet: Justification
1. The key passages are Romans 3:21-31 and Galatians 2:15-3:14
2. The word justification means to be declared righteous
a. It is NOT made righteous
b. It is to be pronounced righteous by God
3. The defendant is human beings
4. The defense attorney is Jesus
2. Our defense attorney steps in but he does not attempt to defend us
a. Instead he agrees that we are guilty
b. He offers to take the punishment we deserve upon himself
c. The right standing he has with court he asks to be given to us
3. The judge considers the offer and punishes Jesus while giving us the righteous standing which Jesus had
4. We leave the court justified
5. Justification is a free gift from God (Roman 3:24)
6. Justification is by grace
7. Justified by faith and not by law
c. The action
1. The procesecuting attorney reads out the transgressions we have commited
a. We are not innocent
b. We are not made righteous
a. There is no small print or strings attached
b. There is no boasting because it was undeserved
a. Our good works cannot earn our justification
b. Only our faith in Jesus death for our sins justifies us
What is the gospel?
2. Foundational information
III. What does a person need to do in order to be saved
A. Confusing terminology
1. “Let Jesus into your heart.”
2. “Giving it all to Jesus.”
3. “Accepted Jesus as my savior.”
4. “Prayed the prayer.”
5. “Lay your burdens at the foot of the cross.”
a. This information is needed to understand the Gospel
1. For example what is sin
2. For example that jesus is divine and human