Thermal Buns:
1st Degree: redness, pain , tenderness, minimal edema, blanching with pressure, no vesicles or blisters (although after 24hrs skin may blister and peel)
2nd Degree: Most blebs, blisters, mottled white , pink to cherry red, moderate to severe pain caused by nerve injury, blanching with pressure, red shiny, mild to moderate edema.
3rd Degree: dry, leathery eschar, waxy white, dark brown or charred appearance, strong burn odor, impaired sensation , lack of blanching with pressure
Inhalation burns:
History of being trapped in an enclosed space
Rapid, shallow respirations, increasing hoarseness, coughing, singed nasal or facial hair, smoky breath, difficulty swallowing, restlessness
Electrical Burns:
Leathery, white or charred skin , burn odor, loss of consciousness, impaired touch sensation, dysrhythmias, cardiac arrest, diminished peripheral circulation injured site
Chemical Burns:
Redness, swelling of injured tissue, degeneration of exposed tissue, discoloration of skin, Localized pain, tissue destruction
Respiratory distress, Decreased muscle coordination.