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Technology Standards for Education (ISTE Standards for Students (DIGITAL…
Technology Standards for Education
ISTE Standards for Students
Students will understand and model legal and ethical uses of technology for educational purposes.
Students will know how to research, evaluate and locate information pertinent to their needs of gathering information on veiwpoints or collection of artifacts, in order to ultimately explore real world issues in a meaningful way.
Students will be able to understand and solve problems using technological methods through, testing and developing solutions.
Students express themselves through effective use of technology in order to portray their views and communicate with others.
Students effectively working with digital tools to communicate and collaborate with peers, community members and global citizens in order to come to mutual understandings and to find solutions.
ISTE Standards for Teachers
Teachers use their knowledge in education in general (subject matter, teaching, learning and technology) in order to advance learning for virtual and face to face interactions.
Teachers are to be leaders of technology through modelling continuous learning on technologies in the classroom, implementing these technologies and alway s knowing what is new in the technological world for educational purposes for use in their own classrooms, other teachers and schools in the community as well.
: teachers need to be aware of the societal issues surrounding the use of technology, therefore promoting ethical and legal use of technology in their professional practice.
Teachers using technology in communication processes with parents, teachers and students. Also, transferring knowledge from one technology to another or applying it in a situation.
Teachers are to design individualistic assessments, by providing technological tools and resources, that will enhance the learning process. The technology incorporated learning will enable the students to assess and individualize their learning process.
ICTP Program of Studies
(C)Students will access, use and communicate
information from a variety of technologies:
How to find information on certain topics that are debatable and assess viewpoints on that topic for validity
Connection to ISTE standards for Students, knowledge constructor, there is a program pf studies that will provide students the means of assessing information for validity and relaiability, which will help make them into knowledge constructors once they have learned how to explore specific topics for truths and understanding.
C)Students will seek alternative viewpoints, using
information technologies:
Students will evaluate different technology sources for information in order to ultimately be able to be selective for material gathered through technology for validity, authority, and reliability for a specified topic.
Connection to ISTE standars for students is that there is a program of studies desgned to teach students how to evaluate opinions and veiws for validity ultimately aiding students to become knowledge constructors, in which they will be able to explore the world in a meaningful way.
(F) Students will demonstrate an understanding of
the nature of technology:
Knowing how technology works and critically assessing the use of technology. Learning the use of technology and how it can be applied to computing calculations, saving data, transferring data through other meduims, and understand the basic workings of technology.
Connection to ISTE standards for sudents is that students will have programs of studies available which will teach the basic and foundational knowledge of technology and how to critically assess this information, therefore the standards for students are in line with using technology eithically and legally as the foundations of use of technology is how to use it for esucational benefit and the harms of incorrectly using technology.
(F) Students will understand the role of technology
as it applies to self, work and society:
understand the role that technology plays in different social institutions and how certain technologies can be utilized for each area of live for people, communities and career places.
Connection to ISTE standards for students: global collaborator is that in program of studies there is a foundational knowledge that will be taught in the program of studies that will aid in students acheiving the standard of being a global collaborator in which the students will be able to collaborate with people around the globe for understanding, knowledge and to come to solutions to word issues.
(P) Students will communicate through multimedia:
through creating presentations with the use of images, sounds and videos.
The connection to Creative Communicator in ISTE standards for Students is because the ICTP program of studies offers programs in which students will engage with multimedia, ensuring the standards for ISTE for students are met in terms of expressing their veiws and themselves creatively with the use of technology
Learning and Technology Policy Framework
Access to devices , internet and digital learning environments to all educators and students
Teachers are able to efficiently and effectively use technologies in their classroom, adapting to the needs of each individual student and engaging in continuous learning in technologies and their use in the classroom.
Connection to creative communicator in ISTE standards for Students is that teachers are to know about each technology that can be used for each specific lesson or assignment. In order to teach students how to become creative communicators, the mediums of technology that they chooses should be individual depending on skills, abilities and effectiveness, therefore teachers need to be knowledgeable in technologies in order to know which students would thrive with which technologies most creatively and effectively.
Leaders of education making the use of technology mandated through governance structures and policies for use in classrooms for student centred learning
The connection to Digital Citizen in ISTE Standards for Teachers - The Framework for technology and policy states that leaders of education are to follow policy and laws regarding the use of technology, the standards for teachers explicitly state that they are to model this behaviour professionally at all times
Teachers are to be up to date with technologies and how to make use of them to effectively engage students in material, keeping technologies that work for students and abandoning what doesn't. Students change every year, so being able to adapt technology to each unique class is a must.
The connection to ISTE Standards for teachers, engage in professional growth and leadership is because the framework for policy and technology states that teachers are up to date with technologies, and in the ISTE standards for teachers, teachers are to engage in lifelong or continuous learning of technologies in order to advance student centered learning based around technological use, and adapted to each unique individual and class.
Learning that is based on the students learning abilities with integration of technology in all curriculums
Connection to ISTE standards for teachers, facilitate and inspire student centred learning through policy stating that all abilities of students learning needs to be taken into account when teaching, therefore technology must be adapted for use for each individual case of learning and therefore teachers knowledge about all aspects of education must be taken into account when adapting for student centered learning
connection to ISTE standards for teachers: Design and develop digital age learning and experiences is that the policy indicates that learning is to be based individually for each student, the standards for teachers is in connection through being responsible for designing individualistic assessments and learning processes.