Unit 1 Media






STEAM Project

Steam program is represented as fun, educational, a good challenge for independence, developing leadership, creativity and teamwork, enjoyable and exciting, new and groundbreaking, a unique experience, active and professional.





Year 7 girls at LGS

Select and omit


Select positive images/ footage of teachers eg. helping students


Laughing, smiling, looking and concentrating


Happy and upbeat

Short and sweet footage/ final videos


Opacity and split screen

Jump cut


Media Language



Techniques to create meaning

Rules and structure of media

Specific things that you would genially see in that genre. eg. ad - 30 secs , persuasive

Camera techniques

To convey meaning . eg. close up

colours, sound, camera angles

To make you feel/ buy a certain thing

Everyone has to know what it means


Symbolic, written, techniques

Camera techniques, sound and lighting

Catch phrases, specific words/ particular adjectives eg. fresh, free

Change how you think, feel and act towards certain products

Signs and symbols recognised by the audience

The way codes can symbolise meaning

Colour, objects, animals

e.g.. combine colour black with a knife = freaky idea/ meaning conveyed

Words that come together to convey meaning

YOU, and only you.



"Negative connotation " suggest/ symbolise meaning


Exactly what is there e.g./ young female wearing superwoman costume

What suggests reality

situations and topics (that we can relate to)

Media form e.g. news, doc, reality tv

Fashion - current trends (for a specific target audience)

Dialogue and delivery (acting)

Technology and props

Camera techniques such as handheld or iPhone footage or security camera.

Reference to current people/ stuff/events

Live action - not animation, someone just filming someone else

Close up of laughing, showing girls making toys, up beat music



shots with students and teachers, in a classroom/ school environment


through editing - fast pace, logo,

challenging/ individual

in groups working, over the shoulder of people speaking, mid shot


How highschool has been represented in the opening sequence of Barracuda

Waking up early- very early morning (connote)its still dark outside, alarm clock, the streets lights are still on, crickets and birds chirping a diegetic soundtrack - happening in the world of the film)

Working out - so you can achieve your goals

Getting changed into uniform, buttoning up his white shirt, looking at his role models and swimming champions, established ideas of hardworking, aspiration and of commitment , representing highschool as fierce and hardworking

Big school, lots of students , very orderly, harsh work, fierce, competitive, war-like through uniform and dialogue

Rough, everyone knows what they should be doing/ where they should be going

Teachers are nice, smart and know what they are teaching, want to teach the students good manners, question their smart-ass students

Close up, eye level, shallow depth of field - they are important - the montage of trophies

Non diegetic sound track - something the characters can't hear - can't hear the music , peaceful

harsh exaggerated sound of alarm clock , music pauses as he gest up - reflects his motivation- music changes - Music gets faster and more upbeat, more motivational, montage of him working out, exaggerated diegetic sound of him grunting while working out - working hard

Accents - Australian

Best Techniques

Girl Asleep


Different types of camera angles


Underwater shots


How it felt real and relatable

Masked / weird characters - surreal

Ethical groups (characters)


Lighting in water

Time change through Wall art

Construction - sound, editing, camera angles, miss en scene, how to create meaning

Consumption - audience, impact, understanding