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Technology Standards for Education (ISTE Standards for Students (Knowledge…
Technology Standards for Education
ISTE Standards for Students
Knowledge Constructor
- Students build their knowledge and information from digital resources that help build their educational experiences
Innovative Designer
- Students are able to build their creativity using online tools and different technological means for different solutions
Digital Citizen
- Students are able to take responsibility for how they act in a digital world, they will act ethically and secure
Global Collaborator
- Students collaborate with others and work in a team using tools to enhance their global perspective
Empowered Learner
- Students use technology as a tool to set and achieve clear goals and to take control of their education, supporting self-learning
ISTE Standards for Teachers
Model Digital Age Work and Learning
- Teachers are guiding students using skills that require professionalism on a global scale as well as throughout a digital world
Design and Develop Digital Age Learning Experiences and Assessments
- Teachers are creating experiences for their students with modern tools and technology, supporting their curriculum and content knowledge supporting efficiency within the classroom
Promote and Model Digital Citizenship and Responsibility
- Teachers are understanding of global responsibilities and presenting ethical abilities when dealing with social issues in a digital age, acting securely within their communities
Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity
- Teachers will be able to provide knowledge in a manner that supports creativity using technological means or different solutions
Engage in Professional Growth and Leadership
- Teachers are growing with their professional careers and as leaders within the professional community by learning and providing guidance to build education with the use of digital resources
Learning and Technology Policy Framework
Professional Learning
- Teachers are using the knowledge that comes from using technology within a classroom correctly and efficiently, using technology to adhere to the different needs of a variety of students and aiding in personal growth within the classroom
Research and innovation
- Teachers and educational professionals are able to use technology as a tool in research, supporting self-learning through different means of technology promoting innovation and growth
Access, Infrastructure and Digital Learning Environments
- Students, teachers and all educational professionals are able to access and ensure access to devices and technology used for learning within digital environments
Student-Centred Learning
- Students are able to use technology in their learning in order to share knowledge, solve problems while thinking critically,helps create goals and set a positive work environment for educational growth
- Educators are incorporating technology into curriculums in efficient and innovative ways, updating plans in a systemic way in support of student learning and efficiencies
Information and Communication Technology
Communication and Problem Solving
- The ability to solve problems with the research acquired from digital means is important for the communication of a variety of people on a global scale
- Having the knowledge based around technology is helpful for use of different tools and means of gathering research, understanding different ways of acquiring information is the basis of productivity and knowledge
Digital Citizenship
- Technology not only helps with problem solving but also prepares individuals for using technology in a digital age in an ethical and safe way
Foundational Operations
- Having knowledge about the base tools and basic communication and technology operations aids in the support of acquiring knowledge, students must demonstrate an understanding of technology as well as know how to approach the use of technology
Technology Based Student-Learning
- On-line activities help students relate to real-life situations as well as support their problem solving, and how to apply a variety of skills to different scenarios