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A vampiric entity lures in space ships and drains them of energy. (How big…
A vampiric entity lures in space ships and drains them of energy.
Where does this entity live?
In the middle of space
It has its own gravitational pull
How big is the entity?
Its size depends on how many ships it has drained.
Ranges from a ship to planet sized
Where is it from?
Another dimension
How does it lure ships in?
It sends a distress signal.
Once a ship gets close enough, its gravitational pull brings it close enough to absorb energy from
Can you defeat it?
It's gravitational pull can be offset by a powerful magnetic field
It can be sent to another dimension if eaten up by a bigger black hole
What do the ships look like?
Several variations, will base them off of simple shapes and references from other sci-fi media
What does the entity look like?
The ships it has drained energy from becomes a part of its body
Its form resembles a feminine human figure, thus it is notoriously dubbed as "Eve"
Does the entity feel?
It can, but regards living species as lesser beings.
How do we know its draining energy?
It has several arms that come out of its back. The arms are made of dark matter that transport the glowing energy to its core like tubes.
Where is its core?
In its "belly"