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Aglaia Jarrin Period 6 Aztec and Inca 100% :tada: (Tenochtitlan…
Aglaia Jarrin Period 6 Aztec and Inca 100% :tada:
Fall of the Aztec Empire
Cortes was the conqueror of the Aztec empire.
Cortes was from Crown of Castile.
He came to the New World for gold and power. To be rich!
Cortes arrived with armor, horses, swords, etc.
The Aztec sent Cortes gold and gifts to turn him back, but he didn't turn down.
With Cortes invading Mexico, he also brought diseases killing many of the Aztec.
Cortes took Montezuma prisoner and killed him. Then the Spaniards fought and destroyed the Aztec civilization.
Montezuma welcomed Cortes because he thought that Cortes was a god coming to help the Aztec empire.
Montezuma died by the plan of their conqueror Cortes, capturing Montezuma.
Montezuma was the Aztec emperor.
Aztec Culture
Purchase was made with cacao beans and cotton.
Even insects such as grasshoppers and worms were harvested by the Aztec.
Other food sources were avocados, tomatoes, tamales, tortillas, squash, etc.
The Aztec often cooked food bundled up in Maguey plant leaves.
The Aztec's main food source was Maize.Also known as Yellow corn.
The language is spoken throughout Western U.S. and Mexico today.
Nahuatl is a language of trade and prestige.
Nahuatl is agglutinate, meaning you can combine different parts of speech.
One of the last Nahuatl speaking groups to come the area was the Mexica.
Nahuatl speakers were the dominant power of the Aztec.
It was mostly made of cotton or Ayate fiber.
Woman would weave the fibers into beautiful clothing.
The clothing was generally loose fitting, without covering the entire body.
The Aztec were able to make use of a beautiful array of dyes.
Ancient Aztec clothing was rich in variety.
Aztec Engineering
Bridges were built into the causeways allowing small boats and canoes to travel under them.
The canals acted like water roads, allowing the Aztec to travel place to place.
Aztecs built causeways and canals for transportation to and from the city.
It laid out in a grid that made traveling around the water easier.
An order to get to the chinampas the Aztec used canoes to get down the river flowing with water.
The height was often around 60 -70 meters tall.
The Teocalli's were often built with stone and covered in stucco.
They were 4 sided and stabilized with structure.
The structure and material is used to withstand earthquakes in the area of Tenochtitlan.
The God Houses of the Aztec were called Teocalli.
Was a swampy island in Lake Texcoco.
Founded in 1352 and served as a capital.
The Aztecs were able to settle on the land because no one else claimed it.
The water worked as a natural defense against attacks.
At the center of the city many public activities took place.
Machu Picchu
Sits 8000 feet above sea level atop the Andes Mountains.
It was built as a sacred religious site for the Incas.
Built with stones fitted together tightly by the use of mortar.
The population of Machu Picchu was not large, around one thousand people lived there.
There were around 140 buildings/temples in the city, including over 100 flights of stone steps.
Fall of Inca
Francisco Pizarro was from Trujillo, Spain.
Sailed from Spain to the New World on an expedition to Gulf of Urab.
Pizarro was the conqueror of the Inca empire.
Francisco convinced the Incan empire to accept being controlled by Spain.
Pizarro was offered enough gold and silver to fill a room.
Pizarro captured and killed the Incan emperor to control the rest of the empire.
With Atahualpa killed, Francisco and his 180 men fought the Incas with armor.
Pizarro captured an killed the Incan emperor.
After captured by Pizarro, he was sentenced to death.
Atahualpa was the Inca emperor.
Inca culture
Quecha was the language of the Incas.
The Inca used a system of knotted strings known as quipo.
Quecha is still spoken in Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, and Argentina.
The language was destroyed by the spanish in the 16th century.
It appeared in print in 1560 by dictionary.
Clothing was worn whole, never cut or tailored.
The Incas only wore each cloth once.
Usually wore heavy gold bracelets to resemble the sun god.
Every succeeding monarch was provided a new pair of plumes.
To mourn they used black paint on ceremonies.
Food was stored in storehouses(qollqa) that was built across the empire.
Food was prepared on fires or wood using a stone or clay oven.
Crops included Maize, coco, beans, grains, and potatoes.
The Incas had two main meals a day, morning and late evening.
They supplemented their diet with camelid meat and seafood.
Inca Engineering
Because the stones were carved and fit so perfectly, mortar wasn't necessary.
The sloping walls if the temples were made so it was extremely resistant to earthquakes occurring.
Quenko with carved in symbols symbolizing the holy water and rituals of the Incas.
The structures were usually built with layers of mud or clay plaster.
Inca empire had highly skilled stone-workers build ancient temples.
It depended on gravity flow to carry the water from the springs to the city center of Machu Picchu.
The water would be made accessible through a series of 16 fountains.
The canals conducted a inflow-outflow evaluation.
The water collects in a stone basin in the floor of the city's main fountain.
Most of the aqueducts were built close to the Andes Mountain sides.