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Technology Standards for Education (ISTE Standards for Students (2016)…
Technology Standards for Education
ISTE Standards for Students (2016)
Empowered Learner
Students utilize technology to meet their learning goals and build networks that support their learning
Teachers help students meet their learning goals through a technology enriched learning environment
Digital Citizen
Students technology use is safe, positive and ethical. They are aware of how their actions will affect their digital identity and how to protect their digital privacy
Students understand both the benefits and safety issues of technology. They are aware of their digital identity and thus use technology ethically and morally
Creative Communicator
Students express themselves creatively, communicate clearly and choose the appropriate means for doing so
Technology is used to communicate ideas effectively and creatively
Global Collaborator
Students use collaborative technology to connect and work with others locally and globally
Knowledge Constructor
Students do research and evaluate the accuracy and credibility of online resources and use them to build knowledge and make meaningful learning experiences
ISTE Standards for Teachers (2008)
Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity
Teachers guide students toward creative thinking, using digital tools and collaborative knowledge
Promote and Model Digital Citizenship and Responsibility
Teachers use learner-centered strategies and show students how to use technology safely, legally and respectfully. Teachers model and promote digital etiquette and responsible social interactions
Emphasis placed on student-centered learning and digital citizenship
Engage in Professional Growth and Leadership
Teachers are lifelong learners, connect with learning communities, demonstrate the effectiveness of technology and use it to improve their professional practice
Teachers engage in professional growth opportunities and are lifelong learners
Model Digital Age Work and Learning
Teachers utilize and exhibit their knowledge of technology to communicate ideas and support student success
Design and Develop Digital Age Learning Experiences and Assessments
Teachers adapt activities to different learning styles and incorporate technology to promote student learning and creativity and give students control in their education
ICT Program of Studies
Foundational Operations, Knowledge and Concepts
Students understand the safety issues of technology, the nature and effect of it, and use technology ethically and morally
Technology to gather information
Students use technology as a tool to gather and identify information, organize it, evaluate it and analyze it
Students evaluate information they find online
Processes for Productivity
Students have the knowledge and skills required to use productivity tools and techniques in technology.
Students use communicative technology to interact with others
Communicating, inquiring, decision making and problem solving
Students use a variety of processes for assessment, problem solving, research and communication. They apply their knowledge to real-life situations
Students use technology for collaboration and communication
Technology is best learned within the context of applications
Students learn about technology best through activities and problems that replicate real-life situations
Teachers use their knowledge of technology to engage students in exploring real-life issues and solving authentic problems using digital tools and resources
Learning and Technology Policy Framework
Policy Direction 3: Professional Learning
Teachers, administrators and education professionals use technology in support of learning and teaching and they engage in professional growth opportunities that are diversified through technology and social media
Policy Direction 5: Access, Infrastructure and Digital Learning Environments
All students, teachers and education professionals have access to appropriate devices and digital learning environments. The education system has reliable infrastructures that support safe, secure, efficient and sustainable networks
Policy Direction 1: Student-Centered Learning
Students use technology to think critically, manage information, communicate and work with others, identify and work toward life goals, and demonstrate digital citizenship.
Policy Direction 2: Research and Innovation
Teachers and other education professionals stay current with technology and research and use data systems to support student-centered learning
Policy Direction 4: Leadership
Education leaders support effective uses of technology for all schools. School authorities implement standards and guidelines on uses of technology and teachers, administration and other school authorities are using technology effectively and efficiently
Teachers exhibit leadership by advocating and promoting a vision of technology in the classroom and developing the technology skills of others, They model this through innovative and effective technology use