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Noshin Alam period 5 Aztec and Inca DONE (Tenochtitlan (There was a zoo in…
Noshin Alam period 5 Aztec and Inca DONE
There was a zoo in Tenochtitlan full of different animals like jaguars, rattlesnakes, and a lot of different kinds of exotic birds.
Tenochtitlan was created in the middle of Lake Texcoco.
Tenochtitlan was destroyed by the Spanish and is now known as Mexico City.
Tenochtitlan is full of magnificent buildings such as pyramids, ball courts, and houses, which was built by the Aztecs.
Tenochtitlan's borders are stretched out from the Gulf of Mexico to the Pacific Ocean.
Aztec Culture
Poor people usually had to make their own cloth and their own clothes.
Their were rules in the Aztec community regarding clothing. The rules included what decorations are on the clothes and what color it is.
The Aztec women wore long skirts and blouses.The Aztec men wore loincloths and long capes.
Only the nobles could wear clothing with feathers. The emperor could only wear a turquoise colored cloak.
Usually the women in the Aztec family made the clothes.
Men clothing.
Women clothing.
The Aztecs carved a lot of sculptures from stone. Male statues were usually sitting with their knees up and their arms crossed. Female statues were usually kneeling down with their hands on their knees.
Neighboring nations often traded for the Aztec pottery. Pottery makers of the Aztec made simple bowls to large jars. They even decorated and painted their pottery.
The Aztecs played musical instruments. They played musical instruments so that they can make requests to the gods. They would ask the gods for rain or for the harvests to be good.
The Aztecs made sculptures, music, pottery and many other things.
When women in the family make clothes for their family, they usually add beautiful artwork on the clothes.
Family Life
The elderly were treated with respect and they were well taken care of.
In an Aztec family, kids were disciplined by making them inhale smoke from the kitchen fire.
The kids attended school. Some kids didn't go to school, instead they stayed home and helped around with some of the housework.
In an Aztec family, the women worked at home. They usually cooked food and made clothes for the family.
In an Aztec family, the men usually worked at a job outside of home. The men worked as a farmer, warrior, or a craftsman.
The women in the family are cooking.
The men in the family are working.
Fall of Aztec Empire
He is from Extremadura, which is a part of Spain.
Cortes sailed to the New World in 1504. Hernan Cortes was searching for treasure.
He was the Spanish conquistador who conquered the Aztec empire.
The diseases that the Spanish had bought with them killed a lot of Aztecs.
The Aztecs believed that Hernan Cortes was a god.
People joined Cortes to fight because a women gave Cortes some information about he Aztecs, which helped him form an alliance against Montezuma.
The Spanish had horses and guns to shock the Aztec.
Cortes with a horse and a weapon.
Montezuma welcomed Hernan Cortes because he thought that Cortes was a god, but soon realized that he was not a god. He gave him gold and other gifts to encourage him not to come back.
After Montezuma gave Hernan Cortes the gifts and gold, Cortes wasn't satisfied with all the stuff, so he took Montezuma prisoner and killed him.
Montezuma was the emperor of the Aztec empire.
Aztec Engineering
Chinampas were used to grow crops.
The men created the chinampas.
Chinampas are small areas of arable land in the shape of a rectangle.
Chinampas are sometimes called "floating gardens" because they are used to grow crops on and they float on water.
Some of the crops that were grown on the chinampas were chili peppers, flowers and other crops.
When they were done sacrificing people, the walls were covered with dried human blood.
The Aztecs built the temples themselves.
Sacrificing rooms are at the top of the temples.
The temples that the Aztecs built are shaped like a pyramid.
Instead of destroying old temples, the Aztec just keep adding levels to the old ones.
Machu Picchu
Machu Picchu was built on top of the Andes Mountains.
It was built as a vacation house for the emperor.
Machu Picchu was built out of stones and put together by the help of mortar.
It has 16 fountains.
There are about 140 buildings and about 100 flights of stairs.
Fall of Inca Empire
Pizarro came to the New World because he heard that there was an Indian empire that was even richer than the Aztecs.
Pizarro is from Extremadura.( A part of Spain)
Pizarro was the Spanish conquistador who conquered the Inca empire.
The Incas couldn't scare away Pizarro.
The Spanish had different types of weapons.
The Spanish had horses.
The Incas couldn't stop the spread of smallpox, so it killed a lot of people.
Pizarro told Atahualpa to fill up a room with gold and another room with silver, which the emperor did. The emperor was later killed even though he did what Pizarro told him to do.
Francisco Pizarro told Atahualpa to become a christian, but Atahualpa refused. When he refused Pizarro held Atahualpa as prisoner.
He was the emperor of the Inca empire.
Inca Culture
Animals were sacrificed. Llamas were usually used to be sacrificed.
Their main god was the sun god, Inti.
The Incas were polytheistic.( Belief in more than one god)
They believed in reincarnation, which means the belief of being born again, except in a different form.
They mummified emperors and had servants watch over them. For some festivals, such as the festival of the dead, they would parade through the streets with the dead emperors.
The sun god
Family Life
The children of wealthy families went to school, but the children of poor families began to work at a young age and never went to school.
The children were not watched over by their parents.
There was a group of families called the ayllu. They worked in a portion of land together.
The mother usually feeds and cleans the child, then leaves it by itself.
The Incas required everyone to be marry.
The ayllu
Hairstyles were a major part of Inca fashion. The hairstyle you wore would tell people what group you are from.
To keep warm in the winter, men and women wore capes and ponchos.
The wealthy people wore clothing made of finer cloth. Their clothes are more decorated.
The women wore long dresses.
The men wore sleeveless shirts or tunics.
Men clothing.
Women clothing.
Inca Engineering
Cuzco Creation
The emperor's palace was built in Cuzco. There were a number of palaces because each emperor had their own palace.
Cuzco is the capital of the Incan empire.
Cuzco is located in the Andes Mountains.
It's located in southeastern Peru.
Cuzco was built in the shape of a jaguar.
The Inca also built an irrigation system so that each plant could get water on the terraces.
There was flat lands in the mountains, so they built steps of land down the mountainside.
Terrace farming is still a farming technique that many farmers still use to this day.
The Incas invented terrace farming.
This was a solution to stop erosion.