The Catholic Church: Changes and Complains




Disruption of Class System









Temporal Power



Papal Schism

Clerical Corruption

Pope Problems



Have there been more recent movements of classicism and humanism?

How much money did churches actually make from indulgences?

When the class system changed, what was the proportion of people compared to wealth? Did the richest few still have most of the wealth or was it better distributed?

Of the popes that accepted Temporal Power and commanded armies, were any of their armies notable for wins or losses?

Since there has been discrepancies in what we have read. When did the general public actually acknowledge that the world is a sphere?

Explorations of Columbus, Magellan, and others forced Europeans to reconsider their place in the world.

Europeans believed they were at the center of a small world comprised of Europe, Africa, and Asia

Exploration stimulated trade and meant increased wealth for many and led to the growth of cities and a new class of merchants.

This started a cultural and intellectual movement known as humanism.

This also sparked more references to Greek and Roman culture, this was known as Classicism.

Scholars looked back on the works of Greek and Roman philosophers and writers.

These included the clergy, nobility, and peasants.

The increase in trade created a new class of townspeople interested in business

Medieval societies had originally included three class systems

Indulgences were first sold during the Crusades; they were used by those who did not go to fight as a way to support the people who did

Although this infuriated Martin Luther, the average person was thrilled with the ability to be forgiven of sin by money.

Indulgences were a way for the church to raise money to support itself.

People were upset by the high taxes charged by the bishops to support the Pope and his projects

Popes claimed political power and commanded armies

Many of the clergy became corrupt as noble families paid for bishoprics and then demanded that their interests be served

Pope Urban VI was 'impeached' because he was so moody

The French ruling family chose another pope who lived in France. Each declared that he was the pope, and that nothing the other did as pope was valid. Finally, in 1417, a council agreed on a compromise candidate, kicked out the others

From 1378-1417, two popes claimed leadership of the Church



a group ordained to perform pastoral functions in a Christian church Link Title

cultural and intellectual movement where scholars reached back to the works of Greek and Roman philosophers and writers

clergyman ranking above a priest, having authority to ordain and confirm, and typically governing a diocese

the office of bishop

Spiritual Leaders

Political Power

The selling of Church offices

Favoritism based on family relationships

Two Popes claimed leadership of the church

to remove from office especially for misconduct

a document that offered release from punishment due to sins

a place or state of punishment where the souls of those who die in God's grace may make satisfaction for past sins and so become fit for heaven