Christian attitudes to homosexuality

The Roman Catholic Church

Evangelical conservative Christians

Opposed to homosexuality, believe homosexuals can be changed by prayer.

Same sex partners cannot have a child through natural means.

Homosexuality is not good for society, it undermines the family.

'No man is to have sexual relations with another man; God hates that.' (Leviticus 18:22)

God created man and woman to be in a marriage relationship together.

Recommends that homosexuals should remain celibate (not have active sexual relationships)

Based on the bible, being homosexual is not a sin but having homosexual sex is.

Sex should only take place in a marriage, it is for procreation, homosexuals cannot procreate therefore the sexual act is sinful.

The Church of England

Is more sympathetic although devided

Homosexual partnerships are judged on the strength of the love and commitment of the partners rather than rejecting them as wrong.

Two people might enter a homosexual relationship in the hope of enjoying companionship and the expression of love similar to that of a marriage.

Other Protestants

Welcome homosexuals into the church

Religion is a spiritual issue not a sexual one

The Bible needs to be interpreted to suit todays society.

Jesus taught that it was love that mattered the most.

Same sex relationships in the Bible were admired in David and Jonathan and Ruth and Naomi.